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I don't consider this a fanfiction but it is. This is a story about MDE and thank you for reading.

I am only sixteen, yet my life is already ending. If it wasn't for my friends Kyle and Alex I most definitely wouldn't be alive right now. They saved my life. As of right now, I am on my way to school. On my journey to the land of chaos, I typically listen to a playlist I created myself. 

Once I got to school I was literally shaking because walking in November doesn't go too well. Especially since I currently reside in New York, New York.

I snuck up behind my friend Kyle and nearly gave him a heart attack. "Jesus Y/N! What the hell is wrong with you?!?"

" Dude, c'mon that was hilarious." I said while Kyle flipped me off. 

* after school*

" Do you guys wanna do anything since today was the last day?"

Kyle And Alex suggested we go on a trip to Canada to visit their friend Jeydon. I have personally never met him but they talk about him all the time.

Kyle and Alex are apart of a youtube channel called MyDigitalEscape. They are pretty awesome.

" Okay everyone pack tonight! I will pick you guys up at nine then we will hit the road!" We all cheered excited for our adventure.

Thanks for reading my first chapter and yes I know it sucked anyways thanks for reading it. And also I know they broke up but they are still awesome. And in this everyone is 17-19.

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