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So we just finished the meet and greet. It was so much fun. Shannon, Tyler, Jeydon, and I are going on a double date to the movies.

We are going to see Suicide Squad.( I know the movie hasn't come out yet but I mean come on)

Jeydon and I are holding hands in the movie theater. It's a pretty awesome movie. I love action movies.


We were at a pizza place.

"How awesome was that movie?" I asked trying to create a conversation.

"Yeah it was pretty Awesome. Y/N do you want to come to the restroom with me?" Shannon asked with glaring eyes that said 'you better come now'.

We both got into the girls bathroom and let the door shut softly.

"Hey what's wrong you're being socially awkward." She asked in a worried tone.

"What. No i wasn't." I said in a sarcastic tone.

"I'm sorry it just I don't think me and Jeydon are working out." I said quietly.

Black screen I know it's a short chapter just deal with it.

Why me? Jeydon wale x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now