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I packed mostly band t-shirts, skinny jeans, undergarments, my phone charger, ear buds, and my wallet etc.

* At Kyle's house *

* Honks Horn *

" Kyle! I'm here! "

" I'm coming! I'm coming!" He says while running down the stairs.

Next we pick up Alex then head to Canada. Since I picked up Kyle first he got to make the decision of shotgun or not. He decided to take the backseat so that he could sleep.

Since I am driving Alex takes control of the Aux Cord and puts on pierce the veil. Now the ride to Ontario begins.

*4 hours later*

"Kyle wake your lazy ass up and take your turn of driving!"
I yell while standing outside the car door at a gas station. Not to mention people were staring at me like I was a crazy person.

Kyle finally wakes up. So I was in the passenger seat, Alex was in the back, and Kyle was driving.

We ended up stopping at Wendy's and ate in the parking lot. Jordan called me and told me that him and Shannon were actually on there way too and so was everyone else so that the whole crew was together.

After we were finished eating we soon were on the road again.

Why me? Jeydon wale x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now