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I look down I see red crimson blood. Who does it belong to? I look at my surroundings I'm in a forest. My wrists are covered in cuts. I break down and cry not knowing what happened.

I hear footsteps. Who do they belong to?I begin to black out from blood loss. I fall but don't hit the ground the stranger caught me, why though? I'm a waste of space. Just another problem for the world.

I woke up in a puddle of sweat and tears. I could barely breathe it felt like I was dying. I knew what this was it was a panic attack I've had them since I was 12. Jeydon must of heard me screaming in my sleep because he ran in the room and held me rocking me back and and forth.

"Shhh Shhh it's okay. You'll be okay." He said placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. Placing my hand on his heart, " Follow my breathing inhale through your nose exhale through your mouth." I followed his instructions.

Usually Kyle was the only one who could calm me down but it was easy for Jeydon to calm me down.

I laid down cuddled against his chest. Listening to his heart beat. I felt sleep take over and fell asleep. 3 hours later I woke up it was now 1:00 pm.

I was still on Jeydon. His body gave me warmth. I just sat there admiring his handsome face. He must of felt my eyes on him because he woke up. I felt my cheeks start to heat up. I turned away and got off of him.

"It's okay... you're cute when you blush." He said sitting up. This made me blush even harder. I just giggle and walk out of the room.

I made a bowl of cereal and sat on one of the stools in front of the counter top. Jordan then walks out of his room. I'm glad to see I'm not the only late sleeper. " Good morning..." He says while yawning. I just laugh," You mean good afternoon." "Shit.. what time is it?" "Jordan it's one in the afternoon. Don't feel bad because I just woke up too."

Jordan then sits on the couch and channel surfs. Jeydon walked out the bedroom clearly he took a shower. He was wearing a The Story So Far shirt with a red jacket and a oogie boogie beanie.

I walked over to the sink and sat my bowl in it. I walked back into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I then walked into my bedroom. I brushed my hair and straightened it. I put on some foundation, mascara, and chapstick.

Today MDE and I are going to have a meet and greet. So I have to look decent. I put on a TØP crop top, black high wasted shorts, a black snap back, and B&W converse.

It's time to leave for our meet and greet. So Jeydon and I were walking to the car we ended upholding hands. We sang together while listening to lots of music. Of course I'm vlogging.

We met with the rest of MDE in the venue. And fans were lining up outside. Overall we had a great time meeting everyone. Personally my favorite part of meeting fans is taking selfies.

Hey guys sooo I am thinking of writing a josh dun fanfic so yeah there's that. Anyways I hope you are enjoying the book.

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