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Shannon helped me dye my hair. yet I'm also nervous. If I forgot to mention Jeydon and I are going on a date later. He hasn't seen my Har but I think he will like it. I decide to just dye the ends of my hair.

Alex, Shannon, and I are going to the mall. While we are there I got a black skater dress and a black and white flannel for our date later.

" Alex should I wear a beanie on the date or no?" I asked because I didn't know much about dating. I've been single for most of my life.

" It depends on where he is taking you?" " We are going to the movies."

Shannon cuts in" Then wear a beanie don't wear a beanie it doesn't matter he won't be able to see you for like a hour." " Okay thanks." I'm glad I have friends to help me when I'm in need.

* AFTER THE DATE *( I'm lazy I know)

Wow... that just happened

( I'm trying not to be lazy)

Jeydon was driving me to everyone's apartment it was quiet but not uncomfortable. Jeydon stopped the car and looked me in the eyes. " Y/N is it OK if I do something?" He asked shyly.

" It depends on what you are going to do." He leaned over and kissed me. It wasn't rough but passionate.

The whole time I thought... what have I gotten myself into.

( I know it confusing just deal with people)

I walked in and everyone was still up. I checked my phone and it was only 6:42. It got dark early so I thought it was late.

I walked into my room, put my hair in a messy bun, and changed into pajamas. I then walked out of my room and joined everyone in the living room. Of course being nosey friends they asked how was it and the girls asked if we kissed. I blushed at the thought.

" Y/N she's blushing they totally kissed!" Johnnie yelled surprisingly not waking up out neighbors.

Still blushing at the thought I yelled,"Shut up let's watch a movie."

During the movie I slowly drifted of to sleep. I woke up being carried. I noticed a face but it was kind of blurry. I knew it was Kyle though.
Once I got into bed I fell back asleep.

I know this is a short chapter but I am thinking about writing a TØP fanfic let me know if you want me to.

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