Chapter VII

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>>> Autumn Rose <<<
I knew this was where I belonged. Even though I hated every being here, with every fiber of me, Somehow I felt ... alive.  It was a feeling similar to the one I got in the woods.  And, similar to the woods, I was trying to deny myself of it. They all glared at me, but somehow it didn't bother me. I wasn't frightened by any of them, any of them except the person I dare call a "gentleman" in front of me.
"Do it then. I won't give you ... whatever you want. I know not of what or where it is!" I hissed. It was almost true. I wasn't completely sure I knew what they wanted, but I had a feeling I knew. They wanted my mother's necklace. I wasn't sure why, how would anyone know about it? It wasn't anything big... just her necklace. Or was it? What if my mother stole it from someone? Don't be ridiculous. I chastised myself. My parents were both respectable people, there's no reason for either of them to have stolen. It's not practical at all! I reasurred myself that my parents wouldn't have stolen it. But if my mother didn't steal it ... how did she get it?
What was I doing? I didn't know if they were even talking about her necklace! I didn't know for sure, at least. What else would they be talking about, though?  It didn't make sense. Maybe I can bargain with them. Maybe .... just maybe ... I can somehow convince them to let me go. I mulled over the situation for a moment. They said they needed me alive, which meant I likely wasn't going to die.  What if they need me alive for a bit, but have to kill me later?  I grimaced at the thought.  And what were they calling me?  A half-blood?  What's that?
What if my mother or father were thieves? If that was the case, it would be in my blood to be a thief too. I reminded myself once again that my parents were respectable. I didn't want to believe anything else. Maybe it was because deep down, I knew it was true.  I didn't care, it didn't matter right now. What mattered was how I was going to escape.
How could I convince them to keep me? What value could I possibly have? Besides the ... whatever they wanted. That was just it - that was all they wanted. That's it! I smirked to myself and regained my composure. I had to be calm, I had to look controlled. I couldn't look desperate. If I looked desperate, surely they wouldn't take it.
"What is it you want?" I asked again.
"The necklace. Your mother's necklace, that she stole from us." The one closest to me muttered.
"Well, it's not here with me." I answered in a matter-of-fact tone. I could see one of the two figures shift nervously, and the other one ball his hands into fists.
"Where is it then?" He demanded. I shrugged.
"Well, only I know.  I suppose if you killed me you would never find it." I snickered. "That would be a shame, wouldn't it?"  I could hear a few growls of complaint from the crowd surrounding us.  The one in front raised a hand, and everyone fell silent. I saw him turn to one of the other figures, the one who was shifting. They talked, in barely raised voices. Then, they turned back to me.
"Congratulations, you've managed to buy yourself more time. We'll let you go, but you will meet one of us under the bridge, just out of town in two days time at midnight. You'd better have the necklace.  If you don't, then I can assure you that you won't survive the night," he warned.
I didn't see the one figure slip away. The lighting was dark, but it was light enough I should've been able to see. I heard his feet behind me, but I turned around too late. The bag was over my head, and all went black.

When I came around, I was in the woods just outside the gate by the Inn. No one was around, everything was quiet.  To much of my surprise, the first two buildings I saw, the tavern and inn, looked to be in very good shape.  To little surprise, the rest of the town was burned or charred.  So why are only two buildings in tact?  I looked up to the sky, and saw that the sun was rising. I had to get to the Inn. I had to see who, if anyone was alive.  I had to see if Soren was alive! Soren.

>>> Soren Hawethorne <<<
I lazily mopped the counter of my inn. Autumn was gone. I gripped her necklace firmly in my other hand. The inn seemed so quiet and empty with out her, despite all the wounded and injured villagers in the rooms, on the floor in the lobby. Antony came in and out once in a while, but he spent most of his time building. Peter helped build too.  He had offered his beers and other spirits to help the townsfolk.  It helped calm their senses or clean their cuts. Alys was bandaging wounds. Everyone was either helping or recovering.
A deep hatred had been developing in me.  I was furious. I'd always heard rumors of the feathers, of towns being destroyed, but now it'd happened to me. I wouldn't stand for it. I wouldn't let it happen any more. Whoever and whatever was responsible for this, I was going to end them. I wouldn't stand for this any longer!
I heard a knock at the door, and didn't look up. Someone sat down at one of the chairs at the desk I mopped. I looked up, slowly, hesitantly. I was speechless.  I was in too much shock to say anything. She jumped over the counter and took me in a tight embrace. I wrapped my arms around her, dumbstruck.
"You - you came back?" That was all I managed to spit out. She nodded.
"I've got a lot to tell you, but not here. We need to go somewhere with less people," she whispered. I nodded. I wondered for a moment where she'd gone. I didn't expect to see her again, I thought she was gone!
"We can go upstairs, to my room. No one will be there." I suggested. She let go and took a step back.
"Ok." We stepped around the people lying on the ground. Alys gave me a suggestive look, and a wink. I shook my head. Not like that. Who knows what she's gone through or where she's been. I trudged up the stairs, Autumn right behind me. We walked in my room, and I closed the door. I locked it too, and turned to her.
"Where did you go? Are you ok?" I had so many questions, but I didn't want to make her feel inundated. I started with two and watched her patiently, waiting for her answer. She blinked at me, and put her hand on her head.
"I don't even know where to start," she breathed.  I smiled feebly. I knew that she'd been through a lot. Autumn Rose was a humble girl, quiet and well behaved. She wouldn't say something like that if it wasn't true.
"Start from the beginning. Take your time, if you need." I winked, repeating what I'd said to her when first talking to her. She smiled sheepishly, and took a deep breath.
"I went into the woods, around to the gate by the blacksmith. And ..." she paused, obviously trying to remember what had happened. "There were ... figures, three of them I believe, it was hard to tell. Anyway, they were fighting, over me I think. And ... and then I was kidnapped, it was black and I couldn't see where I was going but then I - They took off the hood and I was in a dark room-" I interrupted her.
"They? Who's they?" She looked at me with a solemn look in her eye.
"The ones who murdered my parents." She spat. I understood instantly this was a sore point for her. I didn't want to push her, but I wanted to know what had happened to her too. I wanted to know more than just her saying her town was burned.
"Who were they?"
"They had the wolf tattoo, the howling wolf. I couldn't recognize their voices but ... I'll never forgive them - any of them!" She growled. "They burned my town, every building down. They didn't leave anyone alive. Not my parents, not the children, no one."
"But what about you?" I asked, puzzled. She slammed her fist into a wall.
"I should've died there too. I was lucky to survive." She rested her head against the wall too. "It should've been me." I shook my head.
"I believe in fate. I believe everything meant for us was picked out before us. You were meant to survive that day. I was meant to find you, and you were meant to find me again." She looked up at me.
"I've got something I need to tell you." I whispered, reaching my hand into my pocket, I gripped her necklace and pulled out my hand. I saw her eyes widen. I slowly opened up my hand.
"You took it?" She growled. I knew she was upset, and I knew this didn't help her either. She had to know. After she came back, I couldn't keep it anymore. It was hers, and she deserved it. She snatched it out of my hand. "Why did you take this from me? It's all I have left of my parents! I thought I'd lost this!" She yelled. I cringed slightly from her yelling. It wasn't that I was afraid she would hurt me, I was afraid she'd hurt herself and run off.
"I was greedy and wanted some money, but now I've changed. I don't care about the money.  I just thought that I should at least return it."  I whispered. I saw her gaze soften for a moment. She looked down.
"I'm sorry I did that. But I can't take this." I was in more shock now. She stretched back her hand to me.
"Why not? It's yours!" I exclaimed.
"When I was kidnapped, I met the leader, I think, of the ones marked by the wolf tattoo. I could be wrong, but I think he wants this. I don't know why or what purpose or value it is to him, but whatever he wants with it, I won't let him have it. I won't let them. You need to take this and keep it safe." I took it back from her. "Listen. In two days I have to meet them again, under the bridge. I don't want you to come with me or follow me or any of that. I want you to stay here, where you're safe. But I'm not expecting to come out alive. Not this time." She ran her hand through her hair.
"What are you talking about?" I demanded. I wasn't about to lose her.
"They threatened to kill me if I didn't return it to them.  They'll kill me." She explained.
"So why are you going back?" I yelled.
"Because I've got to."

>>> Chase Ashfield <<<
Danny paced in front of me.
"You got the wrong girl!" He yelled. I wanted to shrink away, but I wouldn't do that. If I shrank down I would guarantee an end to my life.
"She's the right one, I know it!" I defended aggressively.
"How do you know?" Danny growled.
"I've watched her, since Soren took her into this town! She's the right girl. Wait two days! Then we'll see..." I challenged. Danny growled furiously, I snarled my return.
"Fine," Danny snapped. The rest of the crowd began to diffuse. I stormed to the ladder, to climb up and go to the bar.  I needed a drink.  Half-way there, I stopped.
"Danny!" I called. He stopped and whipped around.
"What now, Chase?" He hissed.
"What if she's like her mother?" I muttered, suggestively. Danny walked towards me, then stopped.
"What of it? She betrayed her kin, for us. What are you suggesting, she's one of them?" Danny demanded.
"No. Not at all. What if we made her one of us, before they got to her? It's in her blood, to be one of them-"
"And it's in her blood to be one of us." Danny retorted. I grimaced at his point. It was true, we both had a valid point. I could see Danny's face contort in thought.
"But...  I suppose you're right, it's in her blood both ways. In two days we make her join us. It's the full moon, after all. Stephen will assist us. I'm sure he'd be willing." Danny snickered. I saw Stephen look over at mention of his name. He didn't know what was going on, but he knew things wouldn't be good. I nodded.
"So it's determined?" I clarified. Danny nodded.
"It's determined."
And with that, I ran to the ladder, and raced up. Standing under the tree, I dusted myself off, and made myself look as casual, calm, and collected as possible. This was going to be good...

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