Chapter XI

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>>> Soren Hawethorne <<<
Two days had past. I was talking with Peter and Antony about the full moon two days prior.  The three of us sat together in Peter's bar, discussing it all over a round of beers. The next full moon would be in about a month.  We all agreed that even if Antony locked his chickens and other animals away in the enclosure, he would probably still wake up to find some of his animals missing.
"You might find yourself wrong, my friend. And think, if you didn't pen them up, you might find more dead or missing." Peter commented. Antony shook his head.
"Whatever's been attacking my animals get's at 'em whether I pen them or not. It wants the meat and it means to get it," he grumbled, before downing the last of his beer. "Regardless, I know what it is. It's a wolf." Antony stood up and waved to me and Peter.
"I'd better go. These animals won't save themselves," his response seemed muttered more to himself than us. I took another drink of my beer, and looked at Peter.
"If I didn't see the blood and tracks for myself, I would say it was just a thief. But after seeing the proof, I believe him when he says that it's a wolf. A human wouldn't leave feathers and blood after stealing a chicken," I murmured to Peter. It was true. I was skeptical and in disbelief of when Antony said his animals were missing. Then one day he showed me and I knew it was true. Someone had been killing his animals. Not someone. It had to be an animal. Or maybe not an animal, a beast. It could be the werewolves. The animals only went missing on the full moon, and werewolves became beast on the full moon.
"Aye," Peter nodded his agreement before he began to rub his beard again. We finished our beers in silence after that. Then, I thanked Peter for the drink, gave him a silver coin, and went back to my inn. It was dark now, the moon was rising. I opened the door and saw Autumn with a broom in her hand, sweeping the floor. Chase was in his normal spot, surveying the room as he normally did. Everything seemed normal. Autumn looked to me and put the broom away. She went upstairs to her room. She came down with a cloak, and went to the door.
"Where are you going? It's dangerous to be out tonight. It's the full moon." I reminded Autumn needlessly. She nodded.
"I know, but I'm supposed to be meeting someone tonight at the bridge." She explained. I was very suspicious. The last time she went to the bridge, she came back claiming she lost her memory.  I didn't want to push her. I'm over reacting. It isn't my place to be questioning her. I told myself. Part of me knew she was going to be in trouble tonight. Let her go.
"Just be careful, Autumn." I murmured in a low tone. She smiled, nodded, and walked out the door. I turned and walked to my desk. When I turned, Chase snuck out the door.

>>> Chase Ashfield <<<
While Soren had his back turned I raced out the room as fast as I could. By the time he'd turn to face my direction, I was already out and gone. Autumn was walking to the bridge. I followed her from the side, out of sight. She looked over her shoulder every so often. When she did, I froze.  I knew that in the dark I couldn't be seen. Not even by her. I heard a raven in the trees above as I walked. Lux. I knew it. She was following us. I knew I would have a problem with her. She doesn't know we've claimed her yet. I remembered. Lux still thought that Autumn was a human.
Once Autumn got to the bridge she began going under it. I followed her there. Once behind her, I put a hand over her mouth. She started to scream.
"Shh.. Don't scream, it's just me." I murmured in a low tone. She instantly fell silent. She didn't know who I was, but she recognized my voice. I took my hand off her mouth.
"I know your voice, but I don't know you. I've seen you with the others and I know you're familiar. Where do I know you from?" She asked softly. I almost wanted to tell her who I was. It wouldn't be a sin, either.  Deep down, I knew I couldn't tell her. Not just yet. Not here.
"Stop asking questions. Follow me, and be quiet." I commanded. She did as she was told.  We walked to the town gate, and towards the inn. I looked over my shoulder briefly to check she was still there, and she was. I went behind the inn and to the ash tree. I motioned for her to come closer to me. She came and stood next to me. I brushed the leaves aside to reveal the trap door. She gasped.
"This is one of two entrances to our lair." I muttered. I opened the door and climbed down the ladder. She climbed down after me and closed the door. Once I was low enough on the ladder, I let go and dropped to the ground. At the door I saw two guards, not just one. Hmm.. Are we getting a new recruit? I wondered. It had to be that. Tonight we would be converting another. Autumn followed me to the door. I saw a familiar face and someone new, someone not familiar.
"Why 'ello Chase, 'ello Beauty."  The familiar one greeted us.
"Who's this?" I asked the one I recognized, gesturing to the unknown person. He smiled a toothy grin.
"Felix, we's gonna convert him tonight." He explained in a mischievous tone. Felix looked to be about eighteen or nineteen. He was about my height, but from the features of his face I could tell he was young.
"Where'd you find him?" I wondered out loud. Most of the time the people we claimed were lost, orphan children, or survivors from raids. Occasionally if we thought someone was worth it, we'd claim a town member.  The fellow I knew used to be the baker's son. Then one night he left his home and parents for us. He hasn't talked to them since, but he's watched them.  He lurks in the shadows, just like the rest of us.
"Orphan from Angel's Peak, traveling here in search of a job." The fellow snickered. I smiled, more to myself than Felix or the other man.
"Come on Miss Rose, we've got somewhere to be." I prompted. Felix gently nudged open the door for me and Autumn, and we entered. Inside was a small crowd of our kin, among them Danny. I figured the rest were probably far from here, out in the woods.
"Danny," I greeted. Danny turned at the sound of his name. He saw me walking in with Autumn and smiled.
"Ah, hello there." He replied, as he started coming towards us. "Miss Rose," he greeted Autumn.
"Danny," She murmured.
"Has the ink settled any?" Danny inquired curiously. Autumn pulled her cloak out of the way, and rolled up the sleeve on her left arm to reveal the mark. It was there, in black on her arm. The howling wolf that marked us all. I rubbed my left arm, between my elbow and wrist, where I knew my mark was.
"I do believe so. The pain's started to leave," she answered in an emotionless tone.
"Good. Now that it's settled we need to get you redressed. This pretty little thing just won't do anymore." Danny sneered. "Follow me," He commanded. Autumn, Danny and I walked past the small crowd of people and into one of the tunnels. After walking a few paces we came to Autumn's room. Danny opened the door, and stood aside. He gestured for Autumn to walk in. She entered, and began to observe her surroundings.
It was the same as all the rest of our rooms. A small dresser for a few clothes and maybe some trinkets or heirlooms. A candle was on top of it. There was a wooden bed, made up of four posts and some straw. On top of the straw was a woven blanket. A deerskin was on top of the blanket, also meant to be used as a blanket. On top of her bed were some clothes, the ones she was going to put on. The walls were stone, and the room was dark. Autumn turned to face me and Danny.
"This is your room, if you've got nowhere else to go. Although, I expect Soren is providing for you at his inn." Danny explained. "And this fellow," Danny gestured to me, "will be your mentor and teacher. He'll teach you about our powers and a few other things you might need to know." Danny stood for a moment, thinking. "I think that's it. I'll see you later, darling." With that, Danny left us alone, in Autumn's room.

>>> Autumn Rose <<<
Danny left the room. I was alone with the stranger, who's name I still didn't know. We stood in silence for a few moments. Then the stranger spoke.
"The clothes on the bed. Put them on," he commanded. I walked to the bed and inspected the clothes. There was a white blouse that had long sleeves, a brown leather vest, a pair of brown leather pants, and on top of all the clothes, lying sideways, was a pair brown boots that were knee high. The boots were just like the ones I had on now, except they were new and clean, not muddy and rugged. I turned to face the stranger, who was still in my room and watching me.
"I can't put these on with you in here watching me," I reminded him.
"Of course," The stranger replied cooly. He walked to the door and shut it behind himself. I took a deep breath.  I started by removing my cloak and folding it. I put it down on the bed next to all the clothes. I took off my dress and boots and redressed myself with the new clothes on the bed. I put on the blouse and pants, then the new boots. The last thing I put on was the vest. I was impressed to find that all the clothes fit me well. The pants were a little long, but that didn't quite matter. I looked down at the new clothes, then to the bed at my worn dress and boots. I took the cloak and put it back on, then I took the dress and boots and put them in the dresser. When I woke up, I would keep them in the inn. I had no reason to keep them here.
Remembering the stranger was waiting for me, I opened the door. He was there, leaning against the wall. He didn't turn to look at me when I opened the door. He kept looking down at the floor.
"Does it fit?" He asked nonchalantly.
"Very well," I replied with a satisfied tone.
"Anyway, I'm going to leave you for a bit. I'll see you at the next full moon. Until then, use this time to settle back in." With that, the stranger ran off. I was left alone in my room, and I was tired.  I walked over to my bed, and lay down.  It was a sturdy bed, but not nearly as comfortable as the one in the inn.  Eventually, my drowsiness got the better of me, and I drifted off to sleep.

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