ch.31 Remember me?

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"WHAT!?" Harry growled. 

He jolted right up, clutching Farah close to his chest.

The principal sunk low in her seat.

"D-Dyslexia" she mumbled.

"There's nothing wrong with my baby!" Harry declared, holding Farah up as proof that his children were perfectly normal.

The principal glanced at Farah, then at me for help. I casually crossed my arms over my chest. If she hadn't flirted so damn much with Harry, I probably would have helped her. But she had, so boo hoo for her.

"I-I" the womann stuttered, staring at me for any sort of assistance. 

I sat smug in my seat, grinning calmly.

"MY DARCY IS THE SMARTEST KID IN THE ENTIRE SECOND GRADE! HOW DARE YOU CALL HER STUPID!" he barked viviously. He even covered Farah's eyes and ears to make sure he didn't waste any of his frightening abilities on her.

The principal was flushed white, clinging to her chair as though she could disappear into it. I started to feel sort of bad for her...

"Harry" I mumbled weakly. I wanted Harry to continue yelling at the woman before she purposely broke the law so that she could grind up against him as he handcuffed her.

"Darcy is a very b-bright and beautiful girl. I'm sure hard work will ease her di-difficulties--"

"Damn right she's a great girl!" Harry hissed, holding his fist up for emphasis.

The woman swallowed hard, completely and utterly terrified of Harry. I found myself smiling.

"She can get better" the woman mumbled in terror.

"THEN CURE HER!" he shouted, kicking the side of his chair.

The principal was about a breath away from peeing herself. The dumb broad had probably already gotten a little wet thinking about Harry earlier on.

"I will do my best, Sir" she gasped.

Sir... I grinned.

Harry paced around the room, sifting his fingers through his hair, nearly ripping out a few tendrils of curls. Farah clung to his chest. She was so tiny that his hand covered more than half her body.

"Harry, she will help her" I told him softly, finally feeling a bit sorry for the woman.

Harry turned to me and the tension in his face subsided. He took a deep breath and sat down close to me. The principal blinked curiously as she took notice of this.

"But we didn't do anything wrong" Harry mumbled at the ground. "I gave her everything she ever needed" he whispered breathlessly.

I rubbed his shoulders.

He knotted his hands in his lap, holding Farah in the web of his fingers. He gazed down at her and she watched his frustrated green eyes. He kissed her cheeks and her chest, as if trying to prevent dyslexia from troubling her.

"We didn't do anything wrong" I reassured him.

I swallowed hard and pressed my hand to my abdomen. Had I done something wrong while I was pregnant? Was the sour cream and onion chips? Was it the blood transfusion? The bullet!?

My hands began to shake and Harry took them quickly in his. We both took deep breaths and turned to the principal, who was trembling slightly.

"What can we do to cure her?" Harry asked slowly.

The principal took a deep breath.

"There is no cure" she whispered gently. Harry was about to complain when she continued. "But there are medications and certainly different studying techniques she can try here at school" she explained vaguely.

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