ch.28 Sunshine

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Warner blinked in slight confusion, but mostly fear.

"Oh," he mumbled. Harry winked.

"Well, in that case, why don't you go get your toothbrush and whatever you use for your hair," Warner suggested as he motioned at Harry's head of incredibly messy branch-like curls.

"Great" Harry nodded.

He kissed Farah and handed her to me. 

"I'll be back in two seconds" he told me.

I smiled.

Harry grabbed the lab coat Warner had given him and he ran out the door. His socks slipped slightly along the marble floor, making it look as though he were reenacting Tom Cruise in Risky Business.

Warner turned to me.

"There's too much testosterone in him" he grinned.

I shook my head and laughed lightly.

"He's always been like that" I sighed in pretend disappointment.

"Well you better slow him down before his hair turns grey a decade early" Warner raised a brow.

I looked down at Farah.

"Farah, you're daddy's crazy" I told her.

Farah smiled up shyly at me.

"She's so sweet" Warner sighed. He patted the tuft of dark brown hair on Farah's head. I kissed her cheeks and her chest until she started to giggle lightly. But she never laughed too loudly. She still didn't want to draw too much attention to herself...but being the new born baby girl, she basically had a glowing sign over her head with a fat arrow pointing at her chubby cheeks.

"And she's just like you" Warner added quietly. "Just like you."

"Finally" I joked. Warner laughed.

When I was pregnant with Darcy, I wanted her to be exactly like Harry, to have his eyes and his dimples and his teasing stubbornness. And she does. She is a little girl version of Harry. Des is the little boy version of Harry, everything from his curls to his charm. But J.D. takes to me, as Warner pointed out. And now Farah, Farah was me. She was exactly like me.

Harry came back holding more duffle bags, toothbrushes, PJs and most importantly, the kids. Des and Darcy ran to me and reached their tiny eager hands to Farah. I sat upright, holding her away from them.

"Shh, she's sleeping" I whispered.

Darcy stared at Farah's face, then back at me. Des covered his mouth with his hands, as though his breathing might disturb Farah.

"Momma" he whispered gently.

I nodded.

He knelt closer to my bedside.

"I just want to say 'sorry'" he admitted softly.

"For what, honey?" I asked, leaning closer to pat his cheeks.

Des knotted his hands nervously.

"Well I made her cry --by accident-- and I just wanted to say 'sorry'" he mumbled, looking down at his feet.

I smiled.

"Honey, that wasn't your fault, she was just overwhelmed with all the new faces she was seeing. You didn't do anything wrong" I told him gently.

Des nodded. He looked down at Farah and smiled. Farah nuzzled her face closer to my chest, quietly in search of milk. Des delicately stroked her hair and cheeks and she smiled in her sleep.

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