ch.51 Not a kid

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Sam stayed at the hospital most days, as did Harry. I invited Sam over most days since she was here in Westwood, on her own, visiting her poor child...Harry's first child. But Sam "didn't want to intrude," upon my family. I insisted that she was doing no such thing, but she was still hesitant.

I mean it's awkward for me, too, smiling and talking to my husband's first lover, but still. Lux is 26, not 6. What's done is done, I can't be mad at either Harry nor Sam for what happened between them. If anything, I could blame the condom company or Harry's sperm, but that's pretty pointless, too. And Lux is a lovely girl. Right now, she needs all the support she can get. I would be a completely selfish bitch if I turned this whole situation on myself, trying to make a scene and seek pity.

The kids realized who Sam was in relation to Harry and Lux, but they kept fairly quiet about it. J.D. was too obsessed with impressing Candy to care that he now has a half sister. And J.D. was too weirded out by Sam's abruptness from the other evening. But Darcy, Darcy was pissed.

"I know she's sick and all, but how can she be my half sister?" she spat, staring out the window. The sun was setting.

I cleared my throat awkwardly. Darcy leaned against the kitchen counter.


"I mean I know that, but how? How could dad have another child? How did he not know?" she questioned in slight annoyance. 

"Well, Sam didn't tell him. So he didn't know," I mumbled, unsure how to explain it.

"Was this in the 80s?" Darcy asked abruptly.


"Did y'all not have condoms back then?"

"I'll have you know your father and I weren't even conceived until the 90s," I crossed my arms over my chest.

Darcy laughed lightly.

"How old do you think we are?"

"Ancientttt," Darcy laughed.

"Well blink a few times and you'll be my age," I winked.

Darcy stared forward and swallowed hard.

I laughed, patting her shoulder. I looked down and saw that her bruises had faded to a pale yellow.

"Dad hasn't mentioned him in a while," Darcy mumbled. I shifted uneasily. "Do you think he's planing some kind of sneak attack?"

I took a deep breath and sat down at the kitchen table. Darcy followed me.

"Your father isn't the sneaky type. When he's angry, he'll make sure the world knows it," I explained slowly.

I bit my lip. Harry could be sneaky, how else did we spend some many nights and evenings together, back when we first started going together?

Darcy took a breath and reached for my hand.

"Mom, where are all the good guys?"

I looked into Darcy's eyes and I saw a very quiet, very meek girl that was afraid to give what she wouldn't receive back. I saw myself.

"Darcella Anne Styles, good guys exist, you just have to weed out the a-holes, first," I told her confidently.

Darcy smiled weakly.

"I'm no gardner, but I'll do my best," she nodded.

Farah skipped into the room. 

"Hi Darcy. Hi momma," she smiled softly. I grinned.

"Hey princess," Darcy grumbled. Farah's smile disappeared momentarily.

"Will you play dress-up with me later, Darcy?" she asked hopefully. Farah took Darcy's hand and looked up at her.

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