ch.25 Farasha

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Harry kissed the baby's forehead and she was perfectly silent, gazing up at him in awe. Harry held her to his chest and patted her back gently, wiping her clean. Warner wrapped her up in a blanket and reached over to hand her to me. 

I hesitated a moment. I don't know why, I just couldn't hold her until I knew what had happened to Nonna. Nonna had said she would be ok so long as the baby was ok. And the baby is fine, so where's Nonna?

"Nonna" I mumbled. "I want Nonna"

Harry blinked in suprise. He took the baby from Warner and held her closely. Warner cleared his throat anxiously and avoided my eyes.

"Warner" I whispered carefully. My voice quivered.

"Angie" Warner sighed.

"Where's my nonna?" I raised my voice.

Warner took my hand in his and shook his head. Tears thickened in my eyes and my throat started to close in.

"She's ok, right? She has to be ok" I mumbled.

"I'm so sorry, Angie" he whispered faintly.

I shook my head in disbelief.

"TAKE ME TO HER!" I begged Warner.

He shook his head.


"Angie, they did everything they could, but she's gone" Warner whispered gently. 

I screamed

Harry covered the baby's ears.

I curled up into a ball and hid under the covers like a child. No, no, no, no, no, no

Warner tried to console me by rubbing my back, but I pushed him away. He stood up and walked out, letting me and Harry have a moment.

Harry knelt down beside the bed while carefully cradling the baby.

"Angie, I'm so sorry" he whispered, stroking my hair softly.

"She promised, Harry. She promised she'd be ok" I told him quietly. My voice squeaked.

The baby watched my face lovingly. I gasped. Harry held her closer to me and I finally took her in my arms.

Her gaze followed mine as we examined each other's faces. Harry kissed her forehead and I just held her, staring at her in disbelief. She looked exactly like me. She had my dark brunette hair and my rosy cheeks and most importantly, my eyes, my mom's eyes, nonna's eyes.

Now there were four generations of girls with rounded, doe-like eyes.

"She's precious" I whispered. 

Harry smiled down at her and stroked the puff of dark brown hair on her soft head. Her fragile body clung to me as best she could. I kissed her cheeks and her eyelids grew heavy. She was so very quiet, so shy, like me, at least how I used to be.

I kissed her again. I knew she was probably hungry and sleepy at the same time, but she was too timid to cry for milk, so I tugged at my robe and held her closer to my chest. 

Sure enough, she was really hungry and her eyelids started to grow heavy with sleep.

Warner knocked on the door as he walked in. 

"I forgot to ask" he spoke up. 

Harry wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed the baby again.

"What is her name?"

Harry and I exchanged glances.

"Oh, um" Harry mumbled. "Ang- no. Jen- no. Laur- no. Hal- no" he muttered to himself.

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