Hospital Free

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Smileys P.O.V
Last night was crazy, I couldn't sleep. I wanted Phil to comfort me somehow but he was fast asleep. I would feel bad if I woke him up. I did finally fall asleep but not for a long time.

My eyes flutter open seeing a bright light above me. I remember last night and Phil's kiss. That was the best kiss we've had. I look over to Phil who was still asleep, I check the clock next to Phil's. My eyes widen, it's 9:23! I want out of here.

I shake Phil, he mumbles but soon wakes up. I see him slightly smile when he sees me. "Hey, Phil, I want out of here." I groan making him chuckle. Phil walks out the room and tells a nurse I'm awake.

"Well Smiley, are you ready to get out?" The nurse asks.

"Yes please. I'm sooooo exhausted from everything. I just want to be home." I say as I smile.

Phil's P.O.V
I'm done waiting, I need to ask her on a date. I wanted to take her to a park and have a picnic. Since we don't have parents we could go wherever. The Riddle Park is my favorite place.

I see Smiley in a wheel chair, the nurse was steering her. Smiley loves wheelchairs, I don't know why, she says they're relaxing. She soon gets in my car and we drive away.

"Do you want to go home or out to eat?" I ask. She didn't answer so I look over to see her looking around my car.

"Sorry I'm just surprised. Your car is clean, you're usually messy." She says laughing.

"Yeah I thought I should make a new change." I say.

Smiley nods and decides she wants to go home. So I drive her there. It was quiet until Smiley turned on the radio causing me to jump a little. She laughs as I just watch her. Her eyes sparkled and I realized this is where I belong. This girl has changed my life from bad to amazing. I felt happy.

When we arrive at her house I give her a hug. I let go and she gathers her things ready to go. She gives me a kiss and with that she opens the door and starts walking away but I stop her.

"Wait Smiley...can I ask you something?" I ask as she turn around.

"Sure what's going on?" She asks.

"We've been dating for almost a month so I thought maybe we should go on a date. So do you want to go on a date?" I ask. Her face was still while her while body froze. Her mouth opened as she said...


Before you start screaming at me. I had to do a cliff hanger, okay, I just had to XD. ALSO DID YOU WATCH DANTDM OR SOMEONE ELSE PLAY MCSM EP 6?!?!?! So amazing

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