Bullied Together

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Phil's P.O.V
My cousins father was now sitting on my bed and telling me to get up. He was about to tell me something so I waited.

"You can stay and Smileys cousins can watch after you. But as soon as school ends, get your own house okay?" He finished his sentence.

"Yes! Thanks father." I say getting out of my bed. I got dressed in my usual jeans and green sweatshirt. I was happy now, I get to stay here with Smiley!

I race to my school, this is the last week of school. The last year of school, the one place where I met Smiley, the same place I kissed her, and the same place I protected. I smile at all the memories. I was happy to leave but also sad.

When I walked in the school Smiley ran up to me giving me a huge hug. I hugged back. Another memory to leave here. I smiled even though I was sad.

"So Phil did you ask them about staying." Smiley asks pulling away. I then acted like I was sad.

"Yeah about that," I then smiled. "I can stay! Your cousins can look after me. But after schools out I'm actually making the house I live in, my house. Like it's going to be MY house." I say excitedly and she hugged me again.

"Hey look here, it's the two lovers. Listen it's the last week of our last year here so...I have to do this." I heard Five coming down the hall with Jenna, Matt, and Ginger.

Before I could react Matt and Jenna grabbed my arms and pulled me back a couple inches away from Smiley. Anger and panick ran through my body. Five grabbed ahold of Smiley and pushed against the wall and punched her in the stomach. I was now kicking in the air trying to get out of the people's grip. I kept trying as Five kept kicking and throwing her to the ground but they're grip tightened. Finally Matt's grip loosened and I heard his voice rang through my ear, "Go, I'm only doing this because I'm nice." I ripped away from them and from the corner of my eye I saw Ginger run towards Smiley. I tried getting there before her but failed.

When I reached them Ginger pushed me back and grabbed Five by his shirt and threw him back. She then punched him over and over. I ran to Smiley not even caring about how Ginger was helping me.

"Smiley, hey, you okay?" I ask lifting her up off the ground and laying her against the wall. I felt two hands grab my back and made me stand up. I stand up to see Jenna. She was about to punch me when I see Matt tap her shoulder. She turned to look at him and he punched her, she fell to the ground.

"Thank you, I guess." I barely hear myself say. I go back down to Smiley who was now passed out. The principle came out and took everyone but me and Smiley to the office. The big crowd that was once around us left.

Dans P.O.V
Something was terribly wrong, there was a crowd of people. They were near the door of the school entrance. I was about to push through but heard the principle come out and take Matt, Jenna, Five, and Ginger to the office. Once the crowd left it was only me but as I turned I saw Smiley and Phil. I ran to them and sat next to them.

"What happened!?" I asked Phil in a panicked voice.

"Five beat her up and I couldn't help." He says almost a whisper.

"UGH, if I would have gotten here sooner...I could've helped!" I scream, blaming everything on me.

"Dan this isn't your fault, okay." Phil says. I was about to say something when Smiley woke up and coughed, blood was covering her mouth. Bruises were on her cheek and nose.

"I promise that will be the last time he hurts you." Phil says and I nod in agreement.

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