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"A faithful friend is hard to find."

Chapter Twenty-One

Waking up was hard, my mind groggy and unaware. Normally I couldn't sleep that heavy, but being as exhausted as I was, it makes sense. A small handwritten note sat upon the nightstand...

I hope you enjoyed last night with the guys and myself. I want you to know that no matter what, I am here for you and feel free to call me whenever. I'm not doing much today, so call me when you wake up.
-Jiho <3

His handwriting was fairly messy, but still easily legible. I wondered how long he stayed after I fell asleep... It made me smile though to see how endearing the note was; he seemed quite serious about making sure I was okay. No one really ever seemed to do that...

Shooting Jiho a text saying I was up, I made my way to the kitchen hoping to eat. Apart of me hoped I'd be able to see him again today, but I really have to figure things out with some of my friends.

"So how was last night?" Ming's voice had a sense of tease laced in it. Something was up, especially by her evil smirk plastered onto her lips.

"Um good?" I took a sip of coffee. The hot liquid poured down my throat contently, I had definitely missed this. Thankfully Ming had gone out and bought me some seeing as Songi and Mari took it all from me saying 'I would die.' Telling Jiho about my addition to it wasn't the smartest idea I've ever had either.

"So you have a boyfriend now?"

I froze... How long had Jiho stayed for after I fell asleep during the movie? "y-yeah."

"Finally." she shrugged, "seemed nice I guess, didn't really talk to him though."

"He is nice."

"He's famous too."

"That has nothing to do with anything."

"And why's that?"

"Just saying that you should be careful."


"C'mon. Haven't you seen or heard any of his stuff?" she stood up and strode over to me.

"What are you trying to say?"

"He over sexualizes everything, all those sexy girls-"

"Ming really-"

"I just think you're gonna get hurt."

"You don't know him."

"That's true. I don't know him. But I don't think I actually need to, with him what you see seems to be what you get. And sex seems to be what he likes so I'm shocked he's with someone like you."

"Why do you always have to put me down like this?"

"I'm just preaching the truth Chan. Or at least apparent facts."

"I really don't see how that's apparent. Music videos are just videos, they're fake." It was fairly easy to put up with Ming's nonsense after awhile, but I hated hearing her bash someone I loved; and for no apparent reason too. Normally I'd let her just go on and on, but not necessarily with this.

"You never know what goes on behind the scenes bae." Ming winked touching my shoulder, "just watch Eureka for damn sakes."

"We didn't even know each other then-" I felt a feeling of frustration rise in chest. It was far from right for my friend to talk about my boyfriend like that. She doesn't know him. She's only doing this to upset me...

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