Chapter 5

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They drove to what seemed like an uninhabited part of the city, pulled into an industrial type lot and drove all the way to the back where three warehouses stood right in a row.  "This is it, doc" Angelo said directing her to open the van door.  

Ainsley pulled on the lever and pushed it open with her foot, she then stepped out and went straight for Augustine.  "How you holding up?" she asked gently.  He was sweating but that was to be expected but she would still check for fever and anything else she couldn't really see back there in the dark.

  She followed the men as they carried the hurt man inside the warehouse and while she was intensely focused on his well-being she never realized that Apollo had his hand on the small of her back; his touch was doing something to her and she didn't like how it made her feel and that was not in control.

  The warehouse looked nothing like what it did on the outside, thus protecting the identity of the people using it and Ainsley had her suspicions now as well.  They put Augustine up on a very nice medical bed, one similar to what was used in her ER.  She looked at Angelo and asked "Dare I ask if you have antibiotics on hand?"

  He grinned at her and immediately she wanted to drop her panties right there.  How in the hell could one man affect her this much?  Jesus help me she thought as she tried to focus on her patient.  "Marino, would you show the good doctor what we have in the way of medical supplies?" Angelo asked the man to his left.  "Sure thing, boss" he replied.  "Doc" he said waving his arm in the direction towards an office.  Turning the light on the man stepped aside so Ainsley could gather what she needed.

She had an IV pole, an antibiotics bag, suturing materials, gloves, antiseptic, stethoscope and ointment.  She walked by the man and said a very quiet "Thank you" as he nodded and gave her a lopsided grin.  "Augustine, I have everything right here to help you start feeling better, okay?" she asked smiling down at him.  He nodded.  

"Are you very fond of this shirt?" she asked trying to add a bit of levity to the tenseness in the room.  "No, why?" he asked.  She held up scissors and made a cutting motion.  "I have to cut it off.  I'm sorry" she said as she started cutting from the bottom up, then moving the fabric out of the way she got a clearer view of his wound.  "Looks like a .22" she said cleaning it up.

  Picking up a syringe and a small glass bottle she sucked some of the clear liquid up and prepared to inject Augustine with it when Marino grabbed her hand.  "What is that?" he asked clearly not liking what he was seeing.  "I have to stitch him up.  I need to numb the area.  I don't want him being in anymore pain than he already is" Ainsley explained.  He nodded, letting her hand go.  

She put on the gloves and then explained to her patient what she was doing.  "Augustine, you need about four stitches, front and back, this is just going to numb the area so you won't feel it when I start to sew, okay?"  He nodded.  "Here's the first sting" she said as she injected around the wound.  "Now you probably won't feel the next two.  Once I'm done stitching you will need to be rolled onto your side so I can take care of your back."  "Go for it doc" he said.

 It didn't take long to get either place stitched up and once that happened, she checked for fever, there was none, so she got the IV going and found a light blanket for him in the office.  "Are you more comfortable laying flat, semi, or more upright?" she asked.  "Half way would be great, doc.  And thanks for everything" he responded.  

She smiled as she washed his face with a cool cloth and turned the bright overhead light off.  She returned to the office to dispose of the medical waste, washed her hands and then came back out, noticing the men that went to her house had returned.

They spoke in Italian, with Apollo looking at her every once in awhile and then he walked to her and handed her the medication bottles.  "My men tell me that you don't live like a doctor" he stated.  Ainsley shrugged and replied "I didn't go to medical school so I could live a lavish lifestyle.  I went so I could help others and try and save as many lives as possible.  That's all."  Angelo just stared at her, trying to figure her out.  Normally females didn't affect him like this, he had sex with them and that was it, but this woman, she was different. 

"How tall are you?" he asked, coming completely out of left field.  Ainsley kind of giggled at the question because it's not like she's never been asked that before, ever.  "5'10'" she answered.  "How old are you?" was his next question.  "Why?" she shot back.  He knitted his eyebrows together, then answered "You just look very young to be an ER doctor, that's why."  

"I'm thirty.  I graduated from high school when I was 16.  I got accepted, on a full scholarship, to Boston University Medical.  I graduated when I was 21.  Got an internship at Thomas Jefferson when I was 22 and I've worked there for eight years" she figured she might as well answer all the follow up questions he would have, they always did.  

"Wow" he said stunned.  "You're not dumb, are you?" Angelo remarked.  She shook her head and replied "No.  No I'm not.  Is there someplace I can take a shower, clean up and change?  I worked a twelve hour shift today and I'm very tired."  

Angelo showed her to what looked to be a bedroom and it made her wonder if there other such rooms in this place.  "Shower is through there" he said pointing towards a tiny closet-looking room with no door.  "Thanks" she answered disappearing into the room.

"You've got to be kidding me" Ainsley mumbled under her breath.  No door to the bathroom and no shower curtain, but then again they were men and it was nothing for them to prance around wearing nothing but a smile.  

She didn't care, it's not like she was a prude; she was proud of her body and if someone saw it, oh well.  She started the water and while it was warming up she pulled off her scrubs and put them in an extra plastic bag that she carried in her overnight bag.

  Getting out her pj's, toothbrush, hair brush, body wash, lotion and deodorant she sat them on the tiny counter and stepped under the soothing water; she lathered up her body with soap and got herself clean.  

All the while she felt like she was being watched and she knew it was Angelo.  A man like that had too much curiosity to not stick around for the show.  "You know it's kind of creepy for you to just stand there staring at me" she told him.  

"How did you know I was here, fiorella?" he asked.  "I felt you watching me" Ainsley said looking at him over her shoulder.  Their eyes stayed locked for a moment before she turned back around to finish showering.

  "Interesting ink" he pointed out.  He'd seen the scars she was trying to hide with the tats but didn't say anything; it was not his place to ask.  "I know you want to ask about them" she said, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her still wet body.  

Stepping from the tub she stood looking at him, waiting for him to say something else.  "It was not my place to ask" he said softly; his whole tone catching her off guard now.  "Abusive parents" was all she said and it left him wondering how a parent could do that to their child.  

He watched her slide on shorts and then letting the towel fall she pulled on the top.  Fuck she had a beautiful body but he almost lost it when she took her hair down, it hung past her ass.  "Wow" he mumbled.  She smirked because she always got that reaction.

  "I was five when it happened" she began.  "It went on for three years; the yelling, the punching, the slapping, the burning and then one night an angel came to my house looking for my...for Donald.  As per usual they owed this man money and couldn't pay.  

They offered to sell me to the man and it made him so angry.  I sat on the stairs watching everything and then my angel took me away; he placed me with some very nice people and they were my parents, not the sorry excuses that created me and gave birth to me.  

But they live on in my night terrors which is why I needed the meds from my house.  If you have never been around someone having one, it's not a pretty sight."

  She's not sure why she felt so comfortable telling him this but it obviously affected him because he looked at her with, not pity, but more like she'd survived and she was a bad ass.  Something about her story sounded familiar.  

"Come" he said holding out his hand.  "You must be hungry."  She was starving, as she reached for his hand, the feelings that came from that touch, he must have felt it to because the way he looked at her was nothing she'd ever experienced before.


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