Chapter 51

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Angelo was about to blow a gasket waiting on Marino to come back with his new phone when the man himself finally walked in. "Where in the fuck have you been?" he demanded. "You're welcome" Marino said tossing him the phone. "Everything is exactly the same" he said, turning to walk out. "Did you go see her?" his tone flat. His cousin turned around and said "Yeah I did. And she's not well. She looks like maybe she's sick" the concern in his voice was not lost on Angelo.

He sighed and rubbed his face. "It's time to fix this shit" he said. "Ya think?" commented Marino. That just earned him a 'shut the fuck up' look but he didn't care. His missed his cousin and he missed the doc.

"Tonight when the meet is over with, I need you to take me over to her place" Angelo said. Marino nodded. "I'm going to get cleaned up and dressed. I'll let you know when I'm ready to leave.

They were preparing for their 'swap' and it was going to be at the Apollo's warehouse. There would be weapons, ammunition, drones, high tech equipment, drugs, and women. The Russians were in charge of the drugs and women, Demetre's favorite pastime and Liam was in charge of the drones and computer technology and software, while Angelo was in charge of the weapons.

There was a lot of money and contacts to be made at these things. Dressed in his grey suit, maroon button down and grey tie, he came off as formidable, someone to do business with and who you definitely wanted in your corner.

Walking downstairs, he looked at Marino, Cristiano and Augustine. "Let's look sharp tonight. Even though we know most of the people that frequent these things, we need to stay vigilant because Seamus is still out there and what better way to try and take us all out than the swap. He knows how many of us are together under one roof" he walked towards the elevator and then to the car.

Mona Lisa would have the best women Escorts had to offer, and the families offered the finest liquor, coke, marijuana, food, art and weapons. Millions of dollars worth of products would be sitting out in the open. Angelo trusted his men and the men of the other families. They had a lot to lose as well.

Angelo Apollo worked the room, meeting with local contacts, New Jersey, New York, Vegas, Miami and California. It was an enormous turn out and beneficial.

He never participated in the drugs floating around because he needed to stay sharp and he never drank in excess. The one thing that he would have indulged in was the pussy. But he had Ainsley now and wasn't interested in those kind of women anymore.

Demetre was seen with a young woman on her knees, servicing him but it wasn't one of Angelo's girls so he didn't care. Liam did have one of Angelo's girls on his arm but he'd always been the consummate gentleman, treated them right and paid for their services.

Angelo didn't know why Liam would cheat on his wife but it was none of his business and as long as she didn't come looking for his balls, he didn't care.

Uneasy was the only way Angelo knew to describe what he was feeling.  He couldn't shake it either.  He made the rounds.  His men were hyper vigilant as were Liam's and Demetre 's.

As the night wore on, his uneasiness grew.  And for good cause.  Just as he started to walk towards Augustine to get a perimeter report, a huge blast sent them flying.  Dust and debris was everywhere.  Parts of the roof were starting to collapse, women screaming and men running around with guns drawn.

Demetre came running out of a room, shirt and pants unbuttoned, girl on his arm.  Liam the same only he was carrying his girl.  She had blood on her head and right arm.

Angelo's men along with the other families were doing well getting people out safely, securing the swap items and looking for who might have done this.

"I'm going back in to do one more sweep to make sure everyone got out" Angelo shouted at Marino.  "Ang, let me go" begged Marino.  Placing a hand on his shoulder, Angelo said "Just make sure everyone gets out of here safely, I'll be back" he said as Marino watched him walk back into the warehouse.

"Call Gregorio!" Marino shouted at Cristiano.  "We'll set up medical at the main warehouse.  Everyone needs to go there" he added.  About that time, the roof and the rest of the building started to groan and creak.  "Angelo!" Marino yelled.  "Get out of there!" he yelled as it collapsed.

"No!" he screamed as Augustine and Savio held him back.  "Fuck!" he said still screaming.  "Marino!" yelled Cristiano.  "Calm down!  We'll start looking for him right now, okay?" he said trying to get the man to look at him.  He finally did and said okay.

Cristiano had to alert Gregorio about Angelo.  "Gregorio, it's Cris.  We were attacked during the meet.  There was an explosion at the warehouse.  Angelo went back in to make sure everyone was out.  The roof, it collapsed.  He's missing, G!" the man sobbed.  Gregorio instructed him to keep doing what his son told them to do.  "I will go and collect Ainsley" he said hanging up.

Gregorio was not looking forward to seeing Ainsley this way.  Arriving at her house, he instructed his men to stay in the car.  Walking slowly to the door, his hand hovered above the door bell.  Gathering his courage, he pressed the round button.

He stared in shock when she opened the door.  She looked sick, her skin was pale and her eyes had dark circles under them.  "Sweetheart, what's going on?" he asked concerned.  "G, what's wrong?" she asked, completely ignoring his question.

"Our warehouse was attacked tonight.  Angelo went back in to make sure everyone had gotten out.  The roof collapsed and he's missing.  They are searching for him as we speak" he told her.

He noticed she looked like she was going to pass out as she clung to the back of the couch.  "Ainsley, what's going on?" G asked.  She swallowed hard.  "We had a huge fight and I haven't seen him in a month.  I've gotten a few texts but that's it" she said crying.

"There's something else too" she said, lifting her scrubs shirt.  Gregorio's eyes went from here's to her belly and back again.  "Oh passero" he said hugging her.  "He doesn't know?"  She shook her head no.  "I've been texting and calling him all evening.  I was going to tell him tonight" she sobbed.

"Grab your medical bag and overnight bag.  I want you and my grandchild with me" he said, putting a protective arm around her.  Ainsley nodded and went to gather her bags.

The whole way there, both said silent prayers for different things.  Ainsley rubbed her belly and strangely enough it had a calming effect on her.  Pulling into the warehouse she noticed all the people, security, etc.  Gregorio got her inside quickly, said he'd put her bag in Angelo's quarters and introduced her to their doctor.  She didn't know if she could do this.

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