Chapter 101

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Angelo had meetings all morning.  He was meeting with the investors of his club, meetings with the Russians and Irish separately, meetings with his team and finally with his father and Jack.

Walking outside, while waiting to leave, Angelo pulled the cigarette pack from his suit pocket when a note came fluttering out.  You are my eternal bliss. I love you. Hurry home. xxoo Ains

These wonderful notes from her always made him smile.  Lighting his cigarette, he puffed on it while reading the note again.  

She'd given him a wonderful idea of at the end of each day, he would bring home the notes and put them in a jar on his desk and if he was having a bad day, he could just pull one out and read it.

"Ang?  It's time to go" Marino said pulling his mind from thoughts of his wife.  Inhaling once more, he flicked the cigarette to the ground and stepped on it.  "Let's go" he murmured, following Marino to the SUV.

Marino kept acting funny on the drive to Demetre's warehouse.  "Rino, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Angelo asked.  "Boss, I just wanted to make sure before I said anything but we're being followed" was his answer.

Picking up his phone, Angelo dialed Demetre.  "Keep up with evasive maneuvers" Angelo barked.  "Demetre?  Angelo.  Yeah, I'm gonna be late.  It seems I have a tail" Angelo told his Russian friend.  Demetre asked about the vehicle.

"It's a blacked out older model SUV.  Chevy I think.  No plates" Angelo answered.  Demetre asked where they were.  "We're at 3rd and Chestnut.  I'm leading him away from you.  I know it's got to be Seamus.  Call Chad.  He has a way to track me.  It's embedded in my watch."  The line went dead.

Angelo just remembers seeing the older vehicle coming at them from the side and then nothing.  Total darkness.

His arms felt very heavy.  Wait it wasn't his arms, they were chained above his head, it was his body that felt heavy.  Slowly shaking his head, Angelo tried clearing his mind and tried to focus on where he might be.

"Wakey, wakey" said a condescending Irish voice.  When Angelo didn't move fast enough, Seamus beat him with his fists.  "Fuck" the Irish man belted out.  "That felt right, I tell ya.  Beatin Angelo fucking Apollo.  My day is complete" he gloated.

"Where the fuck are my men?" Angelo asked menacingly.  "I didn't care about them" he sang out.  "I just left them in the vehicle" he finished.  Cursing to himself he prayed for the safety of his two family members.

"That's a right pretty gal you got yourself, Angelo" Seamus continued to push his buttons.  "You fucking stay away from my wife!" he roared.  "She's with child, too, huh?" he continued pushing.  Angelo growled while rattling the chains he was imprisoned by.

"Don't worry bout her.  I'll take right good care of her.  Once she's had me, you'll just be a distant memory.  I'll fuck her good and long, making sure it's my name she screams out, not yours."  That did it.  Angelo swung back kicking Seamus right in the chest, surprising him with that move.

Chuckling, Seamus stood up rubbing his belly.  "Should have seen that comin" he said, gritting his teeth.  Walking back up to where Angelo was chained, he started a beat down on the Italian.

When the bastard finished with Angelo, he could hardly stand.  The only thing keeping him on his feet were the chains.  It hurt to breath as he imagined he had some broken ribs.  He could taste blood, so he knew he had a busted lip and he couldn't see out of his right eye.

He just had to hold on a little longer.  He knew that his men along with Liam's and Demetre's would find him eventually.  His thoughts just kept taking him back to Ainsley.  He thought of her soft, warm body laying in bed next to his that morning, her kisses and her note.

Seamus had disappeared for a bit, so that gave him a small reprieve from the beatings.  Looking down at his wrist, his watch was still intact and that was a good thing seeing as that's where his tracking device was located.

Angelo could tell by watching the sun's shadows that it was getting later in the day and he was beginning to wonder if the tracker was working when Seamus busted through the door.  "It's time to take a little ride" he gloated.

With a gun in his hand, he threw the keys at Angelo so he could undo the locks on his chains.  Once he was free, he rubbed the raw and bloody skin around his wrists.

"Get movin" Seamus said waving the gun towards the door.  "Open it, you piece of shite" the Irish cursed out.  Angelo pushed on the rusty door but it finally gave and opened.  In front of them was an old rusted out car.  Looked like it'd been there for years, just sitting in the elements.

"A fittin end to the Italian famiglia" he scoffed.  Walking around Angelo, he opened the trunk, then motioned for Angelo to turn his back to him.

His hands were being tied by duct tape, behind his back.  This was going to be almost impossible to get out of.  He felt Seamus nudge the gun against his back, forcing him into the trunk.

As he watched the grinning madman shut the trunk of the car, his thoughts went automatically to Ainsley and their children.  The tears slipping down his face.  He was going to miss their birth by two weeks.

Feeling the car move, filled Angelo with dread.  He knew what was coming next, he just prayed that he went quick.  He didn't need Ainsley to hear that he suffered.  It would kill her.

As the car gained in speed, Angelo knew it was just a matter of moments before the car would be going over the pier, sending him to his watery grave but as that was his last thought he could have sworn he heard gun fire.

His body felt the impact of the rusted old car hitting the water and almost immediately it started to sink as the trunk started to fill with water.  This was it.  This was how it was going to end.  

Before blackness overtook him, he prayed that he'd told his wife he loved her enough and his children.  When he couldn't hold his breath any longer, he felt the pain of his lungs filling up with water and then nothing.  It was over.

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