Chapter 16

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Angelo just listened to Ainsley talk about what she went through as a result of the abuse.  He wondered how strong a fortitude someone would need to get through something like that. Today she is a beautiful, vibrant doctor with the world at her feet and she wants to spend her time with him.

"So tell me what it was like growing up in your house"  Ainsley asked him.  He got distracted for a minute by her rubbing her fingertips across his knuckles.  She was still sitting firmly between his legs and laying against his chest.

"Well obviously you know my dad" Angelo started.  "My mom's name is Olivia and she is the sweetest, kindest person I've ever met.  Her and my dad were told early on they couldn't have children but she didn't listen to the doctors.  She's one of those people with faith enough for everyone" he added.

"Then they got pregnant with my older brother and she was five months along when she had a miscarriage.  Dad said she tried to stay really brave for him and the rest of the family but eventually she had a breakdown and was under a doctor's care" he said sadly.  Ainsley lifted his hand and kissed it as he continued.

"About two years later she got pregnant with me and they put her on immediate bed rest the entire pregnancy.  Dad said she never complained.  She just wanted me safe and sound.  So for nine months my Nona took care of her during the day and when dad came home at night he took care of her."

"She went through a very hard and long labor with me and my dad says that's why she spoiled me and to an extent he allowed it.  She had surgery after I was born because the doctor said she might not survive another pregnancy."

"When I turned fifteen Dad started bringing me into the family business and by eighteen he was grooming me to take over for him. I have two uncles and six cousins that are in mi famiglia and you've met two of them" he revealed.  Ainsley looked like she was trying to figure out who they could be.  "Augustine?" she asked.  Angelo smiled so that was a yes.  She thought and thought before it clicked.  "Marino?"  He nodded.

"We had family dinners, took vacations and did what families do" Angelo told her.  "Christmas and Thanksgiving are absolutely crazy at their house.  I honestly don't know how my mom does it but she lives for it.  It makes her happy.  Tell me about the Robbins" Angelo asked.

"Well Tessa, my mom, she's just the greatest.  I was in every school function and play.  Since she was a stay-at-home mom she made the costumes every time.  She's the most talented person I've ever met.  She is kind, loving and easygoing."

"My dad, Jack, he is my hero.  Next to your dad" Ainsley said smiling.  "I guess the one thing that took some getting used to was I never heard them fight.  Sometimes they'd get angry with each other but they never went to bed mad."

"He worked so hard for us and provided for us especially when birthdays and Christmas were coming.  Until them my birthday was never celebrated but my first one with them was absolutely amazing.  Mom made the most beautiful cake and I still remember the dress she made me.  It was light blue with tiny pink and blue flowers all over it, thin straps and a small ruffle around the bottom."

"She's an amazing cook as well and one thing that dad always told her was he wanted to make sure I could cook, sew and change the oil and a flat tire" she said laughing.

"It sounds like the Robbins really took care of you and gave you everything you deserved.  I would love to meet the people that made this beautiful woman in my arms" Angelo said.

Ainsley turned her head up to meet his eyes.  "Do you really want to meet them?" she asked.  "Of course I do.  Just like I want you to meet my mom.  Whenever you're ready to" Angelo stated.  Ainsley just kept looking at him.  Her eyes tracing the shape of his lips.  "What?" he asked.  She shook her head and just said "Kiss me please."

Angelo tilted her head back, running his thumb across her lips.  "I love how soft your lips are.  They always taste so, delicious." Ainsley mimicked what Angelo had just done. "I love how sexy your lips are. They make me feel things I've never felt before" she said.

"Angelo" she breathed against his lips. He sucked on her bottom lip. "Yes my fiore?" he replied. She moved her hands down his chest. "Baby" she said a little more breathless. "Ainsley" his breath uneven now. They seemed hell bent on teasing each other until Angelo grabbed her, turning her to face away from him.

Kissing between her shoulders he asked "Do you know what sixty-nine is?" Oh Jesus she thought. Fuck yes she knew. Leaning forward she positioned herself so he could slid down more. Once they were set she felt his tongue slid along her sensitive folds. "Fuck!" she hissed at this completely different sensation. "Make love to me with your mouth" he begged.

Ainsley took him into her mouth, giving him all the pleasure she could while allowing him to do the same and the result was the best orgasm they'd ever experienced. "I just, wow" was all she could say. "Yeah" he agreed.

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