Dare #7

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Me: *sleeping in bed*

Petra: hmm... asleep, huh? Time for some payback... *wakes everyone up and gathers them into the main room*

Aiden: Ugh, why are we here, it's, like 2 in the morning!

Lukas: Hate to say this, but you're correct... *cough* for once *cough*

Aiden: *death glares at Lukas*

Lukas: *death glares at Aiden*

Petra: Would you two stop?

Jess: I don't think that they will...

Jesse: Hey, I was going to say that...

Jess: *shrugs* Beat you to it.

Petra: Anyways, I'm here because of what happened during one of the dares. We weren't awake, so Reagan thought it would be funny to wake us up. I say we get some payback!

Lukas: Yeah, but she made us made us breakfast.

Petra: I can make pancakes.

Aiden: But doesn't that seem mean?

Lukas: Since when do you care about mean?

Aiden: Since we started, duh!

Lukas: Yeah, sure.

Petra: So, who's with me? Let's grab our prank supplies, and prank her entire room!

Everyone: *grabs supplies*

Petra: Alright, 3... 2... 1... now!

Petra started by the bed, and put an inflatable pool filled with ice water in it.
Jess decided to replace her deodorant with cream cheese (gross but a good prank I got from 1000 life hacks). Jesse decided to put plastic wrap in the doorways as well as the toilets. Lukas replaced toaster strudel frosting with white toothpaste and put it back in the box for later. Axel decided to cover the soap bar with clear nail polish so no soap would get on my washcloth. Since Aiden and Olivia are the only ones who didn't want revenge, they woke up the old OOTS (Order Of The Stone)

Petra: Alright let's leave...

Jesse: How long will we have to wait

Petra: Until she wakes up.

Lukas: I got a better idea... *whispers idea to Jess*

Jess: *nods*

Jess and Lukas: WE HAVE A DARE!

Me: *wakes up and slips in the pool* AHHHHHH! COLD COLD!

Lukas: Hehe sorry Reagan.

Jess: *presses first, middle, and ring finger to her mouth and salutes it in the air* May the odds be ever in your favor.

Olivia: *laughs*

Me: *Puts cream cheese deodorant on* EW THAT'S NOT DEODORANT! *grabs washcloth and tries washing it with the soap, but fails* What the heck? *grabs new bar of soap*
and washes face and arms* Alrighty, clothes... new ones... *Puts on pink, black and navy plaid shirt, dark jean shorts, and brown woven sandals on. Then, straightens her hair* Uh, now I need to brush my teeth... *notices toothpaste is gone* UGH! *runs out door, only to be stopped by plastic wrap* I HAVE YOU GUYS UGGHHH!

Everyone but me: *Laughing hystericaly*


Olivia: It's alright, I wasn't a part of this.

Aiden: Yeah, neither was I, everyone else did the pranks!

Me: *glares at Petra* My alarm was set for an hour later then when you woke me up... Couldn't you have WAITED?!

Petra: Wait, you wake up at 3:00?

Me: Well, I was. I suppose not anymore.

Jesse: Hey, at least you get to dare us...

Me: I suppose... *yawns*

Jess: Yeah what do we have?

Me: I'll check... *checks phone* Woahhhh

Lukas: What?

Me: So many... and I get to choose which one.

Jess: How many are there?

Me: At the moment... 4... and I think I have my winner! It involves... Lukas and Aiden!

Lukas and Aiden: Oh god...

Lukas: What is it?

Me: Hehe... I'm so sorry Jess!

Jess: What are you going to do to him?

Me: Lukas and Aiden have to kiss!

Lukas and Aiden: Nuuuuu!

Me: Yeah... sorry... I'm not gonna look though...

Lukas: So not happening...

Aiden: Yeah!

Petra: *forces their lips together*

Lukas: EW EW OH MY GOD NOOO! I HATE MY LIFE! IM DONE! *jumps out window*


Aiden: Yep I'm out too, HATE YOU PETRA! bye! *Smashes through door*

Soren: MY DOOR!

Me: Dude, you're Soren the architect, you can fix it!

Soren: But still...

Me: Alright, you fix that, and I'm gonna go now and write a new chapter to go out later. Bye dudes!

Everyone but me: BYE!


A/N I've decided that my schedule will be:

Monday: Not Sure

Tuesday: New Chapter (sometimes)

Wednesday: Shout out to best MCSM book

Thursday: New Chapter

Friday: Not Sure

Saturday: New Chapter

Sunday: Draw a picture for the dares.

Any suggestions for Wednesday or Monday?

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