Dare #50

503 6 19

Me: *goes to the kitchen and grabs some tea* Meeeehhhhh!

Lukas: *walks in* What was that? It sounded like a dying cat.

Winslow: *walks in* Wow... offensive. *walks out*

Me: *pours tea into a mug* MEHHHHHHHH!

Lukas: What the heck is happening?

Me: Just say the line and I'll tell you...


*Everyone walks in*

Me: Hey guys! Mehhhhhhhhh!

Aiden: What's happening?

Winslow: Don't ask...

Me: *sips tea* Ok... MEHHHHHHHH!

Everyone: O.O

Me: Yeah the reason the MEH's are coming is because of something called stressed-out-sickness. It's when you get really stressed so you don't give a crap about anything.

Dan: Trayaurus probably has that.

Me: That's pretty accurate.

Olivia: Why are you stressed?

Me: Well, as most of you know, in school, I have so many tests. On Monday I had an English test, on Tuesday I had a science test, on Wednesday I had an English test, today I
have a math test, and tomorrow I have a Spanish test.

Olivia: that's not that bad... yeah that's awful, sorry...

Me: Yeah, then I'm going to stay after school to set up an event to help the school on Friday, and on Saturday I'm working all day.

Axel: At least you have the rest of the week!

Me: On Sunday I have to clean the house, and set up the Christmas tree, on Monday I have
a math exam, and on Tuesday I have a Spanish exam.

Everyone: ...

Me: That's it. Then the first marking period is over. So... MEHHHHH!

Lizzie: How about we settle your problem with a dare?

Me: *sips tea* yeah that would be good... let's see... *checks phone*

Everyone but me: *waits*

Me: This one seems good. It says, "I dare Dan to prank call Dr. Trayaurus."

Dan: Ha... its too bad I don't have a phone with me... oh well I suppose I don't have to do it...

Me: *hands him my phone* Here you go.

Dan: Thanks! *under his breath* I hate you...

Me: Thanks! Anyways, dial the number!


Dan: *calls Trayaurus* Congratulations! You've just won... A diamond eggplant!

Trayaurus: Hrm! (Really? I've always wanted a diamond eggplant!)

Dan: Yeah, all you have to do is send me your name, address, whether you like eggplants or not, if you're a friend with Steve Harvey, and if you count sheep or cows at night!

Trayaurus: Hrm... (Sounds like a scam...)

Dan: It most certainly is NOT!

Trayaurus: Hrm... herrrr! (Hmm... alright! My name is Dr. Trayaurus, I live at 12500 Diamond Lane, I love eggplants, I was on family feud one time, and I count pigs at
night, not sheep or cows.)

Dan: Thanks sir, I'll get that delivered by Saturday! *hangs up*


Everyone: *laughs*

Me: What the heck was that?

Dan: I have no idea... but I need some blue spray paint and an eggplant, stat!

Me: In the kitchen *points to kitchen*

Lukas: I wonder what I would look like with blue hair...

Jess: You'd look adorable... like always!

Me: Awww, that's adorable! Anyways guys, I need to help Dan figure out the diamond
eggplant situation, so I'll see you later! Bye!

Everyone: Bye!


Me: *grabs spray paint* I'm coming!

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