Dare #36 and Ask #9

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Me: *drawing Winslow Bae*

Winslow: *walks in* Whatcha Draw-

Me: Um... I can explain!

Winslow: Please do...

Me: It's for... school! Yeah!

Winslow: Why do you need a drawing of me for school?

Me: Because I'm getting ahead on the.. summer project. It's for... science. Yeah!

Winslow: A drawing of a cat for science?

Me: Fine it's for my locker...

Winslow: ...

Me: Um... CREW GET YOUR BUTTS IN HERE NOW!!! *Crumples up drawing and throws it away*

*Everyone walks in*

Me: We have an ask and a dare everyone! Golf clap!

Everyone: *golf claps*

Petra: Let's do the dare first!

Axel: No! The ask!

Me: You can't decide what to do first! That's my job!

Winslow: Let's do the ask first.

Me: Ok Winslow, good call.

Everyone but me and Winslow: O.O

Me: The ask is... "before Lukas and Petra met Jess and Jesse, we're you dating?"

Lukas: Yeah, but I didn't feel like we had that strong of a connection, and she agreed, so we broke up.

Petra: Yep, what he said.

Me: Alright then, I learned something new today! Now for the dare... *whispers dare to him*

Ivor: O//////O Um... what?

Me: You heard me, get ready!

Ivor: *leaves*

Me: Everyone follow me! *walks outside*

Everyone: *follows*

Me: Alright, we're at the baseball game!

Petra: But I don't even like the-


Petra: ;-;

Jess: So what are we doing here anyways?

Harper: Yes I'd like to know.

Announcer: And now, it's time for a message! *shows message that says Will You Go On A Date With Me Harper? ♡ Ivor*

Harper: *squealing*

Ivor: Is that a yes?!

Harper: *nods*


Ivor and Harper: Shut up.

Me: *faints and falls over the edge*

Crowd of people below me: *catch me*

Me: *wakes up* Harp... vor... *faints again*

Winslow: I'm on it... *walks down and gets me*

*Timeskip Home*

Me: Well, that was adorable... alright, Lukas, you go get Ivor ready, you're probably the only one other than me that can fix that hair.

Lukas: Alright, *leaves*

Me: And I will help Harper, you guys, play Rock Paper Scissors or something.

*Everyone plays Rock Paper Scissors*

Everyone but Aiden: *Does Rock*

Aiden: *does paper* Yay!

Everyone but Aiden: *Does Scissors*

Aiden: *Does Rock* Yay!

Me: *leaves*

Harper: Oh my God Reagan, help me!

Me: Don't worry, I got this! *snaps fingers*

Harper: How... You some Voodoo monster or something?

Me: No...

Harper: Let's go out there then...

Me: Agreed: *walks out*

Harper: *follows*

Ivor: *sees Harper* O//////O

Harper: Do I look ok?

Ivor: You look more than ok!

Harper: O//////O

Me: *snaps fingers and teleports them to a fancy restaurant* So guys... Who won Rock Paper Scissors?

Everyone but Aiden: *points to Aiden*

Aiden: Yay!

Me: Alright then Aiden. Alright then everyone, I suppose this is the end of our ask or dare for today! And, we are a quarter way to the end of this book...

Everyone: Nooo!


Me: Who knows... I might make another one, but we have 150 pages left so... I suppose we'll see. Anyways, BYE!

Everyone: BYE!

A/N: I was listening to Fall Out Boy while I was writing this (Ed Sheeran is playing right now) but I just realized how much the song Centuries relates to the old OOTS. I love that song, and now I love it even more because it makes me think of MCSM.

Minecraft Story Mode: Ask Or Dare!Where stories live. Discover now