Dare #14 and Dare #15

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Me: What's up everybody?

*cricket chirp*

Me: Hello?

*crickets are silent*

Me: DID Y'ALL CRICKETS DIE?! *looks at crickets*

Cricket: I'm outta here! *leaves with other crickets following*

Me: Fine! I don't need you! *sits on couch and falls asleep*

Gil: *enters room and sits on couch, not noticing me*

Me: *wakes up* AHHHHHHH!


Lukas: *walks in and drops something*

Me and Gil: AHHHHHHHH!


Petra: *walks in and stubs her toe* OWWWWW! *yells unpleasant words*

Me, Lukas, and Gil: AHHHHHHHHH!


Me: Can you get off of my feet now, Gil?

Gil: Oops... *gets off couch and sits down on the couch across from me*

Me: No! Gil don't-

Gil: *Sits down*

Me: Sit there... -_-

Jesse: *wakes up* AHHHHHHH!

Gil, Lukas, and Petra:AHHHHHHH!

Me: I am SO done. *leaves*

Jesse: Uh, I'll get the others... CREW GET YOUR BUTTS IN HERE NOW!!!

*Everyone walks in*

Jess: Hey people!

Aiden: What up homies?

Ivor: Hello... *trips Soren*

Soren: *falls* Owwww!

Me: *walks in* WHAT UP HOME SKILLETS?!

Magnus and Ellegaard: Uh...

Me: Aww how cute!

Magnus and Ellegaard: What?

Me: Aww you did it again! You're saying the same things at the same time! How cute!

Magnus and Ellegaard: O//////O

Me: Aww now you're blushing!

Ellegaard: I've got the redstone, you get some TNT, then I say we blow her up.

Everyone but Ellegaard and Magnus: NO!

Me: :D

Ellegaard: >:(

Me: :(

Lukas: *whispers to Jess* why are they making those weird faces?

Jess" *whispers to Lukas* I don't know!

Me: Ahem, sorry... anyways we've got a dare!

Petra: Oh cool,

Jess: Cool b-

Me: Cool beans!

Jess: How did you know I was going to say that?

Me: I have my ways... Anyways, the first dare dared us to say who we'd want to stuck on an island with. And Jess, don't say Lukas or else IforInvestigator will jump out the window, and I'd like a window free morning.

Minecraft Story Mode: Ask Or Dare!Where stories live. Discover now