☀️Juniper: 5

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As soon as the bell rings for lunch I rush off  to the parking lot so I could find Leo. For the past year I've been telling Adam that I've been teaching at a YMCA illiterate program for young children, but that's a lie. I just don't want to spend anymore time with him then I have to. I also have to rush because I don't want him to see me getting in a car with Leo.

We usually go out to eat for lunch, or his house, or my house. Somewhere just away from the school. My plan for lunch is flawless, the only way it could fail is if Adam goes to the YMCA, and ask about the program that doesn't exist. But he's too caught up in his world of soccer and cars to even care about a program like that. 

I speed walk past the congregated teenagers that were waiting for their friends or making out with their significant other in the student parking lot.

I also want to hurry, because it looks like it's about to rain. The clouds have turned grey, and you can't even see the sun anymore. I rush over to Leo's car when I stop in my tracks. Who is he talking to? Is- is that Cindy Larson? I've seen her around in the hallways. She was big news when she transferred here from England, because that's as exciting as it gets in this town. She's an okay girl, but I never even knew that he knew her.

I crouch between a blue Honda, so I could listen in on their conversation.

"Yeah I'd be happy to help." Leo says with a smile on his face. A smile I find concerning.

"Okay thanks Leonardo." The short blonde girl says. I don't really get why guys like short girls, I'm pretty tall for a girl, and Adam is just a little bit taller than me. Who wants to date someone who only goes up to their belly button. No offense to short girls.

"Do you mind if I call you Leo? I mean-"

"No!" I shout as I stand up from my hiding place. Cindy and Leo both look directly at me in shock. I mean, the blue Honda was right in front of Leo's car,so it's not like I could crouch back down.

"Juny?" Leo questions.

"Um uh, I mean no as in.... Oh no! We are late for the program at the YMCA. Let's go Leo." I put a little emphasis on his name.

"Um, okay." He gives me a confused look as I drag him by my nails towards his car. "Bye Cindy."

With a smile, she waves bye to us. I give her a less meaningful smile, and a nod before she turns around an headed back towards the school.

As soon as we reach the privacy of Leo's car I glare at him. "What was that?"

"What was what?" He plays dumb, starts the car, and backs his car out of the parking lot.

I lightly punch him in the arm. "Cindy? What was that?"

He chuckles as he remembers about what he was talking to Cindy about."Oh. Well she has to make a video for her tech class and she was wondering if I could help her with some original music, for the background."

His answer seems legit, but I'm not really sure about Cindy's reasons. "Couldn't she have asked somebody else?"

He shrugs as he starts the car. "She could, but I guess she asked me."

I'm not convinced. "I didn't even know who knew her."

Leo grinds his teeth. "I know a lot of people that you don't know I know."

"Yeah, but I know most of the people that you know. And I think you know that I know, that it's weird that out of the blue, she asks you. Do you know what I'm saying?" I retort.

"What?! Are you jealous or something?" He spits angrily."

My anger and suspicion fades away. What?! "Jealous? Jealous of Cindy? No way." I cross my arms. "I mean I'm your best friend, not her. But I just want you to be careful of people who just come up out of the blue. I'm just trying to warn you-"

"Like I tried to warn you about Adam?" He cuts me off.

My anger comes straight back. "Wow. Asshole move, asshat." I take my backpack and hit him repeatedly.

"Hey! I'm driving!" Leo swerves on the road and cars honk at us.

"Pull over right now!" I yell.

"Jesus fine!" He pulls over in the parking lot of a Walgreens, and it starts to rain. Hard balls of water start to beat on Leo's black Ford car.

We just sit in the car in silence for a while, while The Who plays softly in the background until I speak up. "You know she can't call you Leo, right?"

He nods, causing his shaggy black hair to bounce. "And nobody can call you Juny."

"Correct." I answer with my arms crossed.

Again we sit there in silence. It was uncomfortable, but it wasn't complete silence. The rain was coming down harder against the windshield. Also the swish of the windshield wipers felt like they were plugged into a stereo.

"I'm sorry." Leo apologizes.

"Don't be. You were right to warn me. I just didn't listen, but never again." I look at him and fluff his hair. "I'll always listen."

"Vice versa." He reached over, and starts to fluff my hair causing me to quickly swat his head away from my head.

Leo laughs and starts to the engine again so we can get out of the Walgreens parking lot.

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