☀️Juniper: 9

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"May witness number one please come to the stand." The judge announces.

Today was the day. To the left of me was Adam in a jumper and handcuffs being defended by his father. Behind me was my family, Leo, Rhodes, and people who supported me. In front of me was someone who could break or help my case.

My lawyer advised me to not wear the makeup anymore. To pull on the juries heartstrings, we needed to show the bruises. Which I thought was a little manipulative, but he just shrugged.

James took his vow and sat down. It was time for my Lawyer to ask the questions.

"Mr. Edison, what is your relationship with the victim Juniper Winston."

"We don't really have one, I guess. She's more of a person I see around."

"Okay, what is your relationship with the person in question, Adam Gales?"

"He was my best friend."

"Was? Do you care to elaborate?"

"Sure. He did something, that I don't personally or ethically agree on that broke our friendship."

"And what was that something?"

James sits up and clears his throat. "He hit Juniper."

The room started to buzz.

"Hit her? Hit her how?"

"Well uh, more like attacked. He first slapped her, then pushed her down. Once she was on the ground he just started kicking and kicking. I was so shocked that I just left."

Adam scoffs at James.

"Then what did you do?"

"The next day I confronted him. I asked him about it and he lied right too my face, and he knows how I feel about abuse."

"And how do you feel about abuse?"

James basically spits into the microphone. "It's sick. Because of abuse my dad murdered my mom right in front of me. I was scared for life and promised that would never happen to anyone ever again."

My lawyer smiles at the judge. "No further questions your honor."

Now it was time for Mr. Gales.

"Good morning James. Long time no see."

"Hello Mr. Gales." James distastefully greets him.

"You said that you promised that this abuse would never happen again? Is that correct?"

"Yes sir." James answers.

"Well if my client allegedly did abuse Ms. Winston, why didn't you stop it, and let it go on for two years."

James laughed. "Oh I helped."

Mr. Gales looked caught off guard. "How did you?"

"Soccer. I convinced the coach to have more practice. Five days a week since sophomore year. The more time Adam spent practicing, the less he had with Juniper."

I looked at Adam and he's seething. It's true that since Adam did have more practice, I saw him less, expect for those two days out of the week he made me help him.

"Going back to the night where you are accusing Adam of abuse," Mr. Gale digresses. "do you think you were so caught up in the moment that you mistaken that person for my son."

Once again James laughs. "You know, I remember when I met you and your son. It was right after my father was convicted and you were to be the lawyer prosecuting? When did you switch Mr. G?" The crowd laughs a little.

"What does this have to do with the case Mr. Edison?"

"I promise your honor, I have a point. Anyways, you told the authorities that I was welcome to stay at your house. And one night you fell asleep at your desk, so Adam and I snuck in to peek. You had photos of the crime scene spread out and Adam took one look and glorified the picture. I remember exactly what he said. He said 'She must of done something wrong to deserve this'"

The jury gasped, and everyone around me started buzzing. I sat there in silence looking at my hands.

"Then I told Adam that that was my mother and he apologized, but I never forgot. Your son is a sick, disgusting, twisted, ug-"

The judge starts to bang his gavel. "That is enough! You are finished!"

James gets out of the stand and rushes out of the room.

"I think that went well." My lawyer whispers in my ear.

* * *

Over the next few court dates we showed the rest do our witnesses; the hospital workers and Leo. Then we had a video shown of him banking my head against the car in that empty parking lot shown. I also testified and he testified. Medical evidence was also used.

"Has the jury made their decision?" The judge questions.

Someone passes a peace of paper to the judge and the judge reads. "The verdict is.... Guilty! I sentence you twelve years in jail, probation, and a thousand hours of community service.

All around me people are murmuring in joy. Rhodes, my family, my parents, the lawyer. But like in slow motion, I lock eyes with Adam. Did I just destroy someone's life? He's staring at me with pure hatred. I think I'm more scared now then I was before. Maybe I shouldn't of-

"Hey!" Leo comes right in front of me blocking my vision of Adam being taken away. "Do not second guess this! You did the right thing. He was a bad guy and he deserves this."

Leo grabs me and gives me a hug. Of course he's hurting the bruises on my body, but I don't care. I need a hug right now. I need him. I hug him back, no matter how much it hurts.

"Thank you."

"Of course."

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