The Howling

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"If I needed my ear drums blown of I would have gone somewhere else" Amanda said with one eye brow raised.

"Aww, I love you too!" I swept my best friend into a massive hug and she couldn't help but grin. She had just arrived and we had half the day to just have fun...before I had to face the Howling.

"So!" Amanda was now grinning from ear to ear as she played with my hair, we were now sitting on the couch in the lounge room. "What are we doing today, birthday girl?" I glared at her. I had asked her to stop calling me that on my birthday since we were 6. But I decided to drop it. I screwed my face up in concentration. "The cinema!" I squealed happily. "Sounds fun" she said "I can put popcorn in your hair when you're not looking!" 

"Oh, joy!" I stuck my tongue out and we both giggled. "Having fun girls?" my father walked into the lounge room with a smile on his face. "Yes!" we replied in unison. He laughed. "Dad?" I sprung of the couch and stood in front of him. "Yes Katie?" he said, and I answered with a smile "Can me and Amanda go to the Cinema?" 

"Of course! Do you want me to drive you?" 

"No, no, we're good, we'll walk" 

"OK" he smiled. "Well..what are we wating for?" Amanda squeaked and I laughed. "We have to get ready first" I  told her and she laughed as well, saying "Of course!"

Amanda dressed casually, saying it was just the movies, in skinny jeans and a plain T-shirt with her hair in a pony tail. She still looked pretty though. I dressed pretty casual too, a knee length red and black checked dress, and black tights with my straight black hair out, falling over my face slightly. After grabbing our wallets and a few other things we were ready to go, and of we went, giggling like school children.

"Popcorn?" we were standing in line at the movies choosing our snacks. "Of course! I gotta shove it in your hair!" so there we were both snorting like idiots. We eventually got our food,  then paid for our tickets and fought between ourselves over seating, before we finally were seated, watching the opening credits of 'Percy Jackson: Sea of monsters'

"It was a good movie!" I objected as we walked out the doors, she had been complaining about one thing or another. "You just say that because you think Logan Lerman is hot!" she said happily, she loves teasing me. "I  do not! you say weird things, I hate you" (hey, it was a touchy spot with me) "No you don't!" she assured me, and we finished the trip home in silence.

It was eleven at night. Amanda was long gone. My father sat next to me in the spare room, which had been cleared of furniture, not a comforting sign. The minutes ticked by. Eleven thirty. At a quarter to twelve my father stood up and kissed my forehead, "Sweetie" he whispered "I love you dad" I mumured back, and he left the room.

Ten to twelve, I was getting shifty. Five to twelve, I was glancing at the clock so much I appeared to have a twitch. Three to twelve. One minute to midnight now. The seconds ticked down. 55. 40. 30. The seconds flew by. 20. 15. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

Pain exploded in my chest, spread into my head, up my arms, down my legs. I was on fire, I was the fire. My mind suddenly seemed blank, nothing mattered but the pain. Somebody screamed, far of, it was a heart wrenching sound.

Then the screaming turned to howling, sad, intense howling. It was my wolf, I felt her, and she felt me, she was howling, she was sad, if she was always this sad I didn't want her! I thought.

But she was part of me, we were now connected, together, she was my head, was in my head, knew my memories, and she wasn't sad now, but happy, so happy! I felt the pain go away. The world slipped back into focus and I realised I was spread on the floor, covered in sweat and breathing as if I had just ran a marathon. 

"Katie!" my dad yelled, he ran into the room "Katie, it's over, all over" he picked me up and started carrying me "Daddy" jeez, I sounded awful "Just relax, sweetie" then everything went hazy, then black.

Hmm. I think I could have done a better job then that. But I won't edit it. I'll just leave it to be it's gloriously crappy self. Hope you're enjoying it.

Bye guys.

---doctorwhofan00 <3

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