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*Ryan's POV*

The one thought on my mind at the moment was Don't hurt Katie. I had no concern for myself, Master always beat me and I had grown tough emotionally, if not pysically. But Katie was so innocent, young and gentle. I couldn't bear to see her get hurt. And Master knew. He always knew, and He would use that knowledge to his advantage.

I glanced at Katie as I was think this, she was glaring at Him with hate, then she looked at me for a moment and her eyes softened, a small smile flashing across her beautiful features before being replaced yet again with fear and loathing. How I wished I could protect her from harm, wrap my arms around her and keep her safe for all eternity. But I couldn't. Master would be watching. Master was always watching.

*Katie's POV*

I was afraid, yes. Afraid for my life, and for my sanity. I also felt hatred towards this Master character, mainly because of how he treated the lanky man he was dragging beside him at that moment. But something in the way that certain lanky man looked at me made me feel safe, calm, protected. And even though I knew Ryan couldn't save me from whatever this Master character was about to do, he would do all he could afterwards to help me, take care of me. It made me feel a bit less scared.

Ryan glanced at me and mouthed something that looked like 'I'm sorry' at me. I smiled nervously and went to mouth back something, what, I didn't know, when the Master stopped suddenly let go of us both. "Take a seat," he said, calmly gesturing to two chairs in the middle of the room he had stopped in. The walls were lined with various weapons which I eyed with caution before sitting carefully in one of the chairs, Ryan sitting next to me. 

"Well, shall we begin with teaching the naughty kitty to obey his master?" The Master asked as he examined a long knife. I gulped and glanced at poor Ryan. 

The Master picked up the knife and ran his fingers along it, carressing it gently before placing it back on its shelf. He then studied a long, thin metal rod. "Ahh. A personal favorite of mine," he smirked as he picked up the rod and walked over to Ryan, holding the intstrument against my teacher's neck. 

Suddenly Ryan screamed, doubling over in pain. The metal rod had turned white-hot. When the Master pulled it away there was an image burned into Ryan's skin. A panther tearing apart a wolf. The Master pulled up Ryan's shirt. My teacher's back was covered in scars, and more images like the one on his neck, but older. I figured that must be the Master's symbol. I squinted my eyes and turned my head away. I couldn't bear to watch. 

I heard Ryan's screams, and my stomach churned. Kill....my wolf was telling me. Rip....tear.....revenge!! I tried to block her out. I didn't have a chance against the Master. Suddenly the screams stopped. Ryan whimpered. I gulped.

"Bad puppy....." His voice hissed behind me. I knew what was going to happen. The Master brought the knife down. I yelped. My wolf howled. Ryan  yelled "NO!" 

And over it all, I heard Him cackle with joy. He was enjoying this. No, he was loving this. I felt sick. 

Then everything went black.

91 reads! Holy shit!! Thank you my beautiful readers. Love you loads <3

Sorry for the late update! There was lots of stuff going on in my life :(

But it's all good now :)

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