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I woke slowly, feeling immensly groggy, like I had a hangover, but worse. Like a million times worse. I let out a loud, pitiful groan, my eyes still closed. To my suprise I heard a sob in response. And it kept going, the soft, broken sobbing of someone who had given up all hope and was just in such despair it was heartbreaking. I opened my eyes and blinked. There was not much light. I looked round myself, I appeared to be in some sort of concrete basement, completly bare except for me and the chair I was sitting on. I wasn't tied to it, so I stood up, trying to find the source of the sobbing.

Then I realised that I wasn't alone, there was a figure hunched up in the corner, arms wrapped round their legs, rocking slowly back and forth, shoulders shaking. I walked over to the figure, unsure what to do. I had no idea how I got here, the last thing I remember was Ryan's face as I crashed to the floor, drugged by whatever he put in the tea. "Hello?" I whispered, bending down next to the person on the ground. They looked up and I drew back slightly, shocked.

There, his usually neat black hair all messed up, his usually clear, bright blue-green eyes bloodshot and full of tears, sat my history teacher. At first I stared at him coldly. He had drugged me. Then I saw his expression of pure despair and self-hate. And I did the first thing I thought of, I pulled him close to my chest and hugged him tight, comforting him, reassuring him. Ryan rested his head on my shoulder and leaned into me, not hugging me back, just letting me grip him. I stroked his hair gently, making crooning noises. It felt like comforting a 10-year-old, not a 22-year-old teacher. 

After what seemed like forever of Ryan crying on my shoulder, I pulled back, keeping my hands on his upper arms. "Why?" I murmered. He knew what I meant. He squeezed his eyes tight shut, and when he opened them I saw that they were filled with a soft emotion, something like adoration, but more.

"He made me," Ryan whispered, his voice cracked. "He told me the drug would just give you a headache, make you woozy. He didn't tell me why, He just told me to do it. I couldn't disobey Him. You collapsed when you drank it. He told me to bring you here, He put you on a chair in this basement. I disagreed, I didn't want you hurt. I was-" here Ryan winced slightly "-serverly punished for that. Then he said if I was so attachted to my little student I could join her. He threw me in here, locked the door. It's all my fault, now we're t-trapped." Then he broke down, leaning back against me and sobbing. I patted his back gently. "It's okay, it's okay," I crooned. "It's not your fault. I forgive you."

Ryan stopped sniffing. "Really?" He sounded so hopeful. "Yes. Really." And before I really knew what I was doing I pulled back and placed a soft kiss on his sweaty forehead, then hugged him close again. I felt him relax and lean onto me heavily. As his head drooped down on my shoulder I realised he was probably tired, I had no idea how long I had been passed out, and Ryan had been awake that whole time. I leaned against the wall, pulling him as close as was humanly possibly to me, and resting my chin on his head. Within seconds I felt my eyes droop. Ryan was already asleep. I let out a small sigh as I too slipped into the realm of dreams.

 Sorry about the shortness of this chapter, I just felt like that was a good place to end it. Oh, and in case you haven't figured it out, this chapter was in Katie's point of view. Hope you enjoyed it! (despite its crappiness...Shut up you!) Sorry. Talking to myself. Anyways, ta ta for now!

---doctorwhofan00  :)

Oh my god. 47 reads. When I went to bed last night there was like 20-something, and just now I was on one of my Youtube-marathons and checked it (it's about 2 PM) and I saw the reads and my jaw literally dropped and I was just like "Whoa!" I know for some of you it's like: "Yeah....I got about 2000 reads." but for me it's like: "OMFG, I never even thought I'd get 10 reads and now there's 47!!! And 17 votes! *squee* yeah.I just had to say how excited I was, and thank you for reading my book. It means a lot. Here's a virtual hug *hug* Sorry, just had to say that :) Bye bye now guys, keep safe and happy!

---doctorwhofan00 xx

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