Heart belongs to one, Soul to another.

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"M-Mrs. Dean," Katie stuttered. What on earth was her principle doing here! 

"Katie." Mrs. Dean smiled. "Um, hello. What are you doing here?" asked Katie, shaking her principles hand politely. "Your father has told me you might have found your mate."

Katie groaned internally, she didn't really know wether or not Jack was her mate and her dad had told Mrs. Dean. "Um, yes, possibly." She said outloud. "Well, I just wanted to inform you that while I understand young love, having been there myself, and understand a quick peck on the lips between classes, but please keep anything...more intense... at home due to the fact we have young students."

"Oh, of course, Mrs. Dean. You have nothing to worry about." Katie was telling the truth, her principle had nothing to worry about. Jack and her hadn't even had their first kiss yet. "Alright then, dear. I must be of." Mrs. Dean turned to the door.

"Oh, no, Violet. Please, stay for dinner. It would be our pleasure." Katie's dad quickly put in.

"No, no I really must be going. Thank you for the offer, though."

"Okay, then, let me see you out the door." And Katie's dad followed Mrs. Dean to the door and they stood and talked like adults do for about five minutes, then Mrs. Dean insisted she must go, and Katie's dad waved and smiled then came back inside, shutting the door behind him. 

He smiled fondly at his daughter. "Good day?" He asked as they sat down to dinner. "Reasonably" Katie replied with a shrug as she sliced a bit off her steak and ate it. "That's good." 

The rest of dinner was enjoyed in silence.

"Um, dad, can I ask you something?" Katie said nervously. She was washing the dishes and her father drying them. "I believe you just did, but ask away," he said with an encouraging smile. "Well, say I'd found my mate.." Katie began. Her father nodded and she continued: "And was very...um, you know, attracted to him, but there was another...." again Katie paused, wording it so it wouldn't sound like she was talking about one of her teachers "...boy, and whenever I look at him I feel so..errm, turned on.." oh, god, I just said that to my dad "So..what's going on?" She finished rather awkwardly, feeling she had described it very badly.

Her dad dried his hands and leaned against the bench. "Well..." He cleared his throat, "It is actually very common in half-werewolves, what you're experiencing. Not many don't experience it, in fact."

Katie nodded for him to continue.

"A simple way of saying this would be that your heart belongs to one boy, and you soul belongs to another."

Katie frowned and her father elaborated.

"Every werewolf is, um, promised to a another, who is promised to you. They are your literal soul mate. But, especially when you have a lot of human in you, your heart can distract you from your mate. Usually it's nearly impossible to feel any attraction to anybody other than your mate, but like any teenager, you will have crushes. But once you are mated you don't usually feel any attraction whatsoever to other boys. Unless you are disloyal, which I know you are not. So, your soul belongs to, is promised to one boy, and your heart 'belongs' to another boy. Understand?"

Katie nodded. "I understand. Thank you for explaining, dad," she smiled at him and he pulled her in for a hug. "One more thing," Katie's father murmered as he stroked his daughter's hair.

"Yes dad?"

"Your history teacher, Mr. Fox." He paused as she stiffed noticably, her head filling with thoughts: Oh, shit shit shit, how did he find out! Oh, crap, I'm gonna get a lecture, how the hell did he find out! But she managed to keep a straight face, saying calming: "What about him?"

Her father frowned. "All the parents protested. But...well...the school had to hire him. He's a great  teacher and they couldn't find anyone else. And they say he hasn't killed anyone for years now, got over it, you know."

Katie's jaw dropped, "He's a murderer?!" She yelped.

"Oh, no, no, no, no. No, you misunderstood, sorry about that. He's a werecat. They're enemies of werewolves, and known for being criminals. Many of the parents feared for they're childrens lives, but Mr. Fox has never done been anymore than a theif, according to the school. Then they let on he did kill a few humans back when he was a teen. But it was because he was hired, he needed the money and was very light-footed, with senses sharp even for a werecat. So after many meetings and arguments, the parents gave in. He was hired. I'm just warning you so you can be a bit more....careful. Okay?" 

"Okay dad. It's getting late, I'm gonna go to bed."

"Alright sweetie. Goodnight." He kissed her hair softly.

"Night dad."

After cleaning her teeth and changing into pajamas Katie flopped down on her bed, but didn't go to sleep. She had a lot to think about. When her eyes finally slid closed it was to a troubled sleep, filled with vivid dreams.

This is baiscally just a information chapter, if that makes sense. So is it getting better? Slowly, I think. The plot unfolds! Haha...that sounds so lame.

Bye guys.

--doctorwhofan00 :D 

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