Brianter leaves Sealand in Charge

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Brianter: Hey, I'm going to be gone for a while so Sealand you're in charge. *Leaves and goes to Antarctica.*

Sealand: I'm in charge! *Huge grin.* Yes! I can make you jerks do whatever I want you to do now. Jerk England, get me a soda!

England: Get it yourself, you couch-potato.

Sealand: Brianter left me in charge so that means, Jerk England, you and everyone else has to do my will. Now get me my soda! Also while you're in there get me some potato crisps!

England: *Gets Sealand his soda and potato crisps. Grumbling about how he will torture Brianter when she gets back.*

Sealand: Now Jerk England, go get that stupid American and both of you get me some candy.

England: *Through gritted teeth.* Any specific kind would you like?

Sealand: Yes actually. Get me some Jelly Babies and other candies.

England: *Grabs America by the collar of his shirt and drags him to the store. Having to explain to America on why he dragged him out.*

(Six Month Time Skip)

Brianter: I'm back!

England: Where the bloody hell have you been! Do you know what that incompatible boy made us do!

Brianter: I was in Antarctica doing research.

England: That isn't a bloody good enough reason on why to leave him in charge! You could have left someone more responsible in charge like- *gets cut off.*

Brianter: Like America. Or how about Denmark. Oh I know France. Hey I chose the one who would annoy you the least.

England: Really? Because right now I think the bloody frog would have been better than this twit! *Gestures to Sealand.*

Brianter: Well that 'twit' is quite better than the 'bloody frog' in many ways. One being is that he wouldn't make you do anything perverted. You are always calling France perverted.

England: Why not America than!

Brianter: You're always complaining on how he's to loud for you're liking. Same would go with Denmark.

England: Why not put me in charge?

Brianter: Why? Because you needed an attitude fix. So for always complaining about other countries I left Sealand in charge because I know he would have just bossed you around. I couldn't leave any of the other Nordics in charge, before you ask, because they were with me, getting away from Denmark for a while mainly because Norway wanted a break so he dragged the other three along.

England: How did you know he would only boss me around? He told America to do something, but that was right after you left.

Brianter: Hm oh um. We're close. *says it more like a question*

England: I know you two aren't that close. You're always complaining how he's annoying so how did you know?

Sealand: *Decides it's his turn to speak.* We made a deal. Brianter would leave me in charge for six months for in exchange a date. Which I did not break because I told Jerk England to get America and take him somewhere, not boss America.

England: And why would Brianter agree to go on a date with you? *Glanced back and forth between us, now intrigued.* I thought Brianter was interested in Romano from the closet incident.

Brianter: *Blushes bright red.* we worked that out. It was only because I was intoxicated which made me act foolishly and we're only friends.

England: But they say that when intoxicated people do things they truly want to do. *Smirking. Having fun teasing.*

Brianter: *Starting to get frustrated.* If that's true than if Sealand was thrown into the closet instead of Romano than I would have- *Cuts self off, figuring out what England's doing and mutters to self.* Bastard.

England: You would have what?

Brianter: Nothing absolutely nothing! Right Sealand? *Looks at him in desperation.*

Sealand: *Mischievous look in eye.* I'm not sure, but most likely true. Hey Jerk England, leave her alone! She just got back.

Brianter: *Thankful for Sealand and mouths 'I owe you' when England isn't looking.*

Sealand: *Mouthes back 'I know' also when England isn't looking.*

England: *Sigh* Fine. You're cleaning the dishes though for the next month Brianter.

Brianter: Okay! *Takes luggage to room and leaves it there plopping on bed. Hears knock on door and sits up.* Come in!

Sealand: *Enters room and shuts door behind him.* What would you have done if I were thrown into the closet?

Brianter: Let's just say instead of e-zones being messed with, something else might have happened that may have the same effect.

Sealand: You know, Brianter, for being a young nation at the age of fifteen, you're really smart and can remain calm in situations when you want to. Now about what you owe me.

Brianter: *Hums in reply.*

Sealand: Jerk England says I can't become a country without having any land so for the favor I was wondering if you could give me some of your land.

Brianter: No.

Sealand: *Whiny voice.* Why? I thought we were friends.

Brianter: We are, but I'm a small enough country as it is. I only have a surface area of sixteen square kilometers. Compared to most of countries I'm small. I'm not sure my boss would be very happy in giving you land.

Sealand: Fine. I'll just have to find something else for you to do. *Crosses his arms and pouts.*

Brianter: You do that. *Stands up and walks over to bookshelf, taking out a Black Butler manga, then sitting back down on the bed.*

Sealand: I know! That manga just gave me an idea!

Brianter: *Looks up questionably and raises an eyebrow.*

Sealand: You will be my butler for a week.

Brianter: And do I have to dress up as one?

Sealand: Of course! What kind of a butler would you be if you didn't dress like one. Though instead of wearing a suit I want you to wear a dress.

Brianter: *Looks back to book and speaks monotonously.* Like a maid outfit?

Sealand: Yes!

Brianter: *Sigh.* When do I start?

Sealand: Tomorrow.

Brianter: Fine. Isn't tomorrow our date?

Sealand: You're right. Than the day after tomorrow. *Walks out of room like he has accomplished making twenty dollars for standing.*

Brianter: This will be fun. *Sarcasm.*

--☆*:.。. o(▽≦)o .。.:*☆--

Dear Readers,

I'm back from the dead or this case no comments. Oh wait, there still aren't any comment. Drats. I was hoping there might be a request or two on this since the last one. *Sigh* Nothin' I can do about it. I would like to say I do not own Black Butler, it belongs to Yana Toboso. Gracias for reading and have a great day or night.

With love,


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