'Tis a Dare for a Certain Prussian

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Brianter: Guys! Guys! Believe it or not we have a dare! *Fangirling that someone finally commented a dare.*

Japan: Rearry, Brianter-san?

Brianter: Yeah really! *Fangirl squeal.*

England: Brianter will you just calm down? It's only a dare.

Brianter: But-

Prussia: But it's a dare for zhe awesome me. Vhy shouldn't she be excited?

England: *Mumbles quietly to self.* Because you're loud, egotistical, and obnoxious. Not to mention a few other things.

America: What was that you said Iggy?

England: I didn't say anything. Also, stop calling me that you incompetent idiot!

America: Aw! But I love the name, Iggy! *Purposely making England mad because he thinks it makes him look cute.*

England: *Continues to bicker with America.*

Rayland: *Clears throat.* Shourdn't we be getting back to the dare, aru?

Brianter: *Snaps out a fangirl mode.* You are absolutely correct. *Clears throat.* Angel_princess821 said and I quote, "I dare Prussia to get drunk, like does stupid stuff drunk. Please~"

Prussia: Schvn must love me if zhey gave just me a dare and no one else. I shall complete zhis dare zhough because I am awesome and the awesome never backs down from a dare!

Denmark: America! Go get us some beer!

America: I'm a free country why should I do what you say?

Denmark: You're right. Brianter go get us some beer!

Brianter: Hey! I'm my own independent nation too, you idiot! Besides it's Prussia's dare. Not yours. You've had your one beer for the day. *Walks off to get Prussia a twelve pack of beer and Rayland follows to help.*

Denmark: Norway can I have another beer?

Norway: No.

Denmark: Why not? *Whines.*

Norway: I said no.

Denmark: Please! Just one! *Leans against Norway.*

Norway: No.

America and England: *Still slightly bickering over the nickname.*

Romano: Are-a people here idiotas?

Spain: Not at all Roma!

Romano: Thanks for answering the question. Now I know for sure everyone here is an idiot.

Denmark, Norway, America, England, Spain, Romano: *Each in their own argument.*

Japan: At reast we aren't arguing Prussia-san.

Prussia: Yeah! Ve aren't arguing because I'm so awesome zhat no one can argue vith me!

Brianter: *Returns with Rayland and the beer.* Bloody hell! I leave you guys for for five minutes and you're arguing like children! You six get out! *Points to door. Annoyed by there yelling and bickering.*

Six that were arguing: *Leave while arguing still, but play arguing for some.*

Brianter: *Rubs temples with hand.* Much better. Their arguing gets tiring after a while.

Japan: I agree Brianter-san.

Prussia: Yeah, but ve didn't argue because I'm to awesome to be argued vith and he's just quiet.

Brianter: Yes, I know. Same with

Rayland: Thank you, Bri, aru.

Brianter: No problem. Prussia here's your beer. *Hands Prussia a twelve pack of beer.*

Prussia: Thanks, frau! *Takes beer excitedly and starts to drink on the first bottle quickly.*

Brianter: Japan, I got you and Rayland some saki since you are both responsible drinkers and won't drink a lot.

Rayland: *Holds bottle of saki up for Japan to see.* I arso brought some grasses for us to poor it in, aru.

Japan: Thank you. Brianter-san. I'm going to drink because of your poriteness and consideration.

Brianter: I know you two aren't big on drinking, but a drink now and then doesn't hurt.

Rayland: Aren't you underage Brianter, aru? *Notices the Icelandic vodka Brianter is holding.*

Brianter: I'm only underage if a legal adult isn't here. *Smiles brightly because of the adults that are there.*

Rayland: Arright, aru. *Goes to the dining table with Japan, pours saki into two cups, and starts to drink some of her saki.*

Japan: *Starts to drink is saki.*

Prussia: *On his tenth bottle of beer.* You're going to have to get more beer if I'm supposed to be stupid drunk, Bri!

Brianter: I'm going, I'm going. *Takes a swig of the Icelandic vodka while going to get more beer for Prussia.*

(Time Skip of twenty-five beers later.)

Prussia: *Words slurred.* I'm so awesome I could suck a dick vithout gagging. Vant me to suck yours? *Talking to a poster on the wall.*

Brianter: Oka-y then. *Takes another swig of Icelandic vodka. Bottles about half empty.* Want a swig Canada.

Canada: I'm good. Thank you for the offer though. I only need my maple syrup, eh. Besides I got to drive Prussia, Japan, and Rayland home. Right, eh?

Brianter: Yeah I forgot. *Idea pops in mind.* Hey maybe you should talk to Prussia for a bit.

Canada: All right. *Walks over to Prussia.*

Prussia: Birdie! How are you? Do you need me to suck your dick?

Canada: *Blushes bright red.* M.maybe later. I think you need to stop drinking though. *Tries to grab the bottle in Prussia's hand. After trying got a bit gives up and goes sit down on the nearby sofa..*

Prussia: I'm fine. *Walks over to the table.* Who vants a show! *Takes off his shirt and starts to dance. Music starts to randomly play when he does.*

Brianter, Rayland, and Japan: *Facepalm.*

Canada: *Blush darkens.* Get off th-the table, Prussia!

Prussia: Don't you like zhe show Birdie? Zhat's right you vant more! *Rips off his pants and continues dancing in his boxers.*

Canada: Get off the table Prussia! *Starting to get a nose bleed.

Prussia: Oh Birdie vants his own dance! Okay! *Gets off the table and saunters over to Canada. When he reaches him starts to give Canada a lap dance.*

Canada: *Blushing crimson.*

Rayland and Brianter: *Fangirling.*

Japan: *Taking pictures.*

Canada: I'll. I'll take that swig now.

Brianter: Sure! *Walks over to Canada and hands him the vodka.*

Canada: *Drink half of what was left in a swig and hands the bottle back.*

Brianter: Guess you decided you're staying here. Good choice. Japan and Rayland can walk home if they want. *Turns to look at them.* They're gone?

Japan and Rayland: *Snuck out like ninjas after getting what they wanted.*

Canada: C.could you help me Brianter, eh?

Brianter: Sure! Come on Prussia! Let's go to my spare bedroom so I can tie you to the bed for Canada! Come one!

Prussia: *Follows Brianter and gets tied up to the spare bed willingly.*

Brianter: He's all yours Canada. *Smirks.*

Canada: T.that's not what I meant!

Brianter: Well he needs some assistance so you should go and help anyway.

Canada: *Turns a darker red and goes to spare room to help Prussia.*

Brianter: Welp that's all for the day. Hope this is what you wanted and if not then sorry. Guys if you want to leave a question or dare just comment bellow because I have a lot of free time. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

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