So familiar it's annoying

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*Julianne's POV*

After my first class ended, Jessica and I headed onto our next. And so on and so forth. Before we knew it, the dismissal bell rang. Oh my Sherbert Frugen Yorkshire Hallelujah Gummy Bears. It's finally over. "Okay! So i want you all to practice the new routine I gave you and then learn the left side, yeah? We'll do it again on Thursday. Bye everyone, God bless!" I waved as they all headed out. Oh my glob, my legs feel like jelly. I wobbled my way to Jessica, who as lounging near the faculty's office. She was sitting beside three oddly familiar-looking guys. Hmmmm... ehhh. I give up. "Hey Jess, how you hangin'?" I asked hi-fiving her and intentionally missing. It's just my thing. Sorry. I looked at the three other dudes beside Jessica, I wait for them to introduce themselves. I could really get a good look at them because they're wearing sunglasses though it's the middle of October and they also happen to be wearing jackets as if they were undercover. Which I seriously think they are. I mean, who would wear THAT during October?! Weirdos would. And they clearly are one of them. "I'm.... uhm...... N-......Ni-...... Nick. It's nice to meet you. " the blonde one smiled. He was the one who looked the most familiar. Like I knew him already. But I dont. Because that's how life is. "Well I'm Haaaaaa..... Ha- Ha- Harley... Yeah hi. I'm Harley." Curly said. He had piercing green eyes... keyewl... "I'm Lincoln. It's nice to meet you, love." The guy with a buzz cut said. Hm. Cool, at least he seemed more luke polite one. "Hi, I'm Julianne Santiago." I shook their hands. "I'm guessing youre not originally from here...." Harley started. "But you've been here for a long time, what with youre slight british accent." Nick continued. "And you look a bit foreign... in a good way of course." Lincoln finished. Wew. Lincoln. Lincoln. That's a pretty sad name he's got there. Poor him and his soul. Bless him. "Ahhhh," I nodded "So what brings you here?" I askes them. "Well you see, we work together, " Linclon said pointing to the three dudes. "And we had to talk to the owner and director of the place to confirm things. " I snorted. "How was it then?" "Uhmmm not so well. She's a a bit..... Uhmm.....snappy." Harley said awkwardly. "Tell me about it!" I agreed. "Uhmmm what do you mean?" Nick asked. "Her stepmum is the director and owner. And they're not so close." Jess explained. Oh I forgot she was here. What kind of a friend am I?! Shame on me!

"Ahh.." Harley said as he nodded understandingly.

"So! Well... it was nice meeting you and all, but we've gotta fly!" Nick said, he pulled a superman pose..

"Aha! Okay! Well bye!" Jessica laughed as they hurried away. Uuuuurrrghhh... Nick looks soooo familiar it's so flippin' annoying...

My mum always told me that if forgot something and cant seem to remember what it was, maybe it wasnt even important in the first place.

"Well that was awkward...." Jessica said.

"Okay, do you know them? You guys seemed like you do, am I missing something here? What arent you telling me?! Oh my Sherbert, Frugen, Yorkshire, Hallelujah Gummy Bears, don't you trust me? A-are you leaving me ? A--" I kept on rambling on until Jessica decided to speak up.

"Woah, woah, woah. Cahlm ya bum down, gurl. No one is leaving anyone. I just bumped into them on my way here and yeah, we talked. " Jessica explained. Phew. For a second there I thought she was having second thoughts on our friend vship. I mean who wouldn't wanna hang with this?! Haha... be humble Julianne as it says in the Bible.

"Oh! Ok. Yeah... Pshhh, I knew that. Pshhh.. Pshhh...Pshhh.. Yeah. Pshhh." I so totally knew that.

"Yeah sure. Okay... Whatever, Jule." Jessica said, unconvinced.

"Okay, well I better get home before my stepmum does. I'll call you someday." I waved as I made my way outside.

I hurried my way home and crept to my room, trying to avoid any girl drama. I mean, I am a girl. I just don't like drama and it's complicated-ness and how much girls exaggerate over the littlest things. That's why I prefer girls who aren't oa or girly.

I head-butted my bed and sighed.

Why not everyone be a believer so the world could be a better place? Well, I cant wait for the end times because as it says in the Bible, the word of God will be preached to the whole world then the end will come.

Since it was 6:30 already by the time I got home, I decided to have supper before I'd continue anything else.

I headed downstairs and headed straight to the kitchen to grab leftovers since that was practically the only thing I was allowed to eat. Cons of having a rough family. Just as I sat down, to my dismay, my stepsister walked in.

"Cindorkarella! Mum wants you to have these chores done by tonight." Alex demanded, dropping the list in front of me.

Julianne's To-Do-List:

1. Clean Alex's Room.

2. Clean Tiffany's closet.

3. Wash the loos.

4. Vaccum the driveway?!

And the list was just endless... how would I be able to finish all this in time?!

I sighed picking up a dirty rag as I dragged myself to the loo.


After those excruciating hours of cleaning the whole house, I literally just ate one slice of bread before collapsing onto my bed. I did my devotions, cleaned up, and jumped into bed.

Thinking about today, I couldn't help but think about Nick. There was just something about him that was so familiar it was annoying.

I pondered on that question...

Why is he so familiar?

Until sleep over took me.


Sorry for not updating... but I kinda feel like no one is reading the book. So if I reach at least 10 votes. I'll continue. That's all I need for the next chapter. Tnx.



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