BEN Drowned x Reader (P.2)

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This was requested by creepofthecreeps! Hope you enjoy!

The next morning, you awoke to a snoring Ben. You smiled at his sleeping face; it was calm and content. You stayed there and watched his sleeping face. The room was silent, minus the small breathing you created and Ben's snores. After a few minutes, Ben awoke to you staring at him. He smiled and pecked your cheek, making you giggle. "Morning." His husky morning voice greeted you. "Good morning." You replied. He kissed your lips before removing himself from the bed and heading to the bathroom.

You remembered what happened last night and laughed when you saw his bare ass. He noticed he was still naked, and looked at you and winked. "Like what you see?" He asked, flirtatiously. You laughed, "Sure." You stated, laughing again. He chuckled before heading to his destination again. You sat up stretching, smiling at the sun shining through the window.

A few weeks later, you noticed that you were starting to get hungrier than usual and your stomach was always growling at you. One morning you threw up out of nowhere and then, when you missed a period, reality slapped you in the face. You were probably pregnant. You were worried Ben wouldn't really like the news, especially if it wasn't 100% true, so you kept it a secret from him. You went and bought a pregnancy test and it came out positive. You were definitely pregnant. "Ah, shit!" You exclaimed.

Ben knocked on the bathroom door. "Everything alright in there?" He asked. "U-uhm, yeah!" You stuttered. It was silent for a moment. "Are you sure?" He asked again. You answered with silence. "(Y/n)?....Alright, I'm coming in." He said, opening the door, which you stupidly forgot to lock. You were sitting on the floor, staring at the floor while holding the pregnancy test in a closed fist. Ben sat down next to you, wrapping arm around you. "What's wrong?" He quietly asked. You just handed him the test, that showed a positive. "I-I'm sorry." You immediately said, about to get up and leave. "What are you sorry for? You're pregnant, that's great!" He excitedly hollered, standing up and swinging you around.

You were confused because that was not the reaction you expected. You smiled. "Really? You're not mad?" You asked. "Why would I be mad? As long as your not mad at me for forgetting the condom, then I'm perfectly happy." He said with a big smile. You laughed and hugged him.

9 months later, you gave birth to a (boy/girl) and named it (name). The child had Ben's red and black eyes and elf ears, but your nose and hair. It was perfect, in yours and Ben's eyes.

Sorry this was so short! But anyways, again, this was a request.


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