June 14, 2013

14 1 0

I woke up today.

I glanced at my calendar.


Its Election Day.

The day I've dreading. Why? Because Election Day means me having to be someone I'm not. It started back on fifth grade when I led a winning team on a group dance contest for nutrition month. Then they started to expect a lot from me, then I realized I just cant let them down. And thats how they saw me ever since. They see me as a mature leader when I'm really not. Sometimes I commit mistakes and make the stupidest decisions. Being a public speaker is okay but a leader? Its just not me.

I simply groaned and rolled over to see my cat holding something with his teeth. I held out my head to take it but he only stood up and went to my desk, dropping the object and leaving me to wonder. "What are you up to you silly cat?" I mumbled as I watched him jump out my window. I stood up and walked towards my desk. The words "Face it" look back at me with its bright red letters. I remember when it was my thirteenth birthday when I wrote that with a can of spraypaint. A gold object was just below it. A bracelet. My grandmother's bracelet. I let out a loud sigh. Fine. So be it.

I slipped on my IGNORE ME t-shirt and a pair of ripped white jeans. As usual I wore my signature vest, and my converse.

I grabbed my bookbag and dropped by the kitchen. Mom was there. I grabbed an apple and glanced back at her. She was wearing this shock expression, probbably since its been awhile since I actually dropped by the kitchen to grab something. I smiled and said a quick good morning then left. Honestly? I feel like a whole different person now.

~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Alright, its currently 3:05 in the afternoon and the class is currently nominating for our over-all chairman a.k.a THE PRESIDENT of the class. We wont be doing for the rest of the afternoon so I decided to write. I'm at the back corner of the class so no one really notices me. Larissa and Christina are at the other end of the room, near the door. Red is with Sean and his group in the middle of the class and everyone else is surrounding them. Some guy nominated Meg, but I think its pretty fair, Meg really is a good leader. Nothing intresting happens until someone practically screams my name. "I nominate Samantha Crestine for over-all chairman!"                                                                                                                                                                                                                               My eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets. What?! Why me? My eyes caught Miranda's, she nominated me. Before I can even speak, Mr. Henry had already written my name on the board under the big 'Over-All Chairman'. My hands were shaking as I wrote Meg's name on the voting slip and passed it forward. I was really nervous about this, what if I win? I can't stand being the person everyone looks up to. Its just too much pressure. I tried ignoring everything else as I read my book. Right now I'm at the part where Nobody sends three of the bad guys into an endless void. But I couldn't concentrate well because I could hear them counting votes and everything. I decided to take a peek at the board. My eyes simply widened in shock, Meg and I are in a tie. Both of us have 13 votes each and there are three voting slips left. Mr.Henry opens the first slip. My mouth hung open, it was me. Then the second. Oh thank goodness, its Meg. The last one... Meg and I look at each other. It has to be her.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I was right. The class erupted in cheers, even I was clapping. Damn, that was way too close. But its not over yet, there's a fair chance that I could be a Peace and Harmony chairman, a Liturgical chairman, a Finance chairman, a Beautification chairman or worse, an Educational chairman. I was still smiling since I dodged that Over-All Chairman spot as I went back to my reading. But that smile didnt last long. Next thing I knew, my name was back on that board.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Watched with my eyes wide as almost every voting slip has my name in it. Mr.Henry didnt even finish all the slips when he declared me the winner. "Well, its pretty obvious. Congratulations, Samantha." He says with a warm smile. I tried to smile back, but it was awkward. Almost everyone is staring at me and it feels weird. I sat back down and didn't even dare listen to the rest of the votings. I'm too scared to hear my name again but I know that's not possible. I let myself get lost into Nobody's world again. He grew up in a graveyard and was raised by ghosts, its a bit weird but that's what makes it artistic. It's wonderful to have a life like his, it's just unique and I would love to learn how to fade a.k.a turn invisible. Class ended after awhile and I swear, my classmates changed personalities in a matter of forty minutes. Instead of blank expressions, they had smiles on their faces as I walk past. Some said hi and congratulated me and some simply stared at me, smiled, then shrugged past. I'm not really used to this kind of attention. But I might as well get used to it.     

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