Round 1: Spinosaurus

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Enemy Bio: Spinosaurus

Enemy Bio: Spinosaurus

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(Art by KaijuSamurai)

Spinosaurus (meaning "spine lizard ) is a genus of theropod dinosaur which lived in what is now North Africa, it's a semi-aquatic predator that hunts for fish with its teeth and claws. It's other weapon is a whipping tail as well, this foe is not to overestimate though, it is used to hunt near water instead of land.

Opponent ready----------------------------------------------

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Opponent ready

The Battle

The Dinocroc had just been teleported into the arena, it searches it's surroundings looking for food

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The Dinocroc had just been teleported into the arena, it searches it's surroundings looking for food.

Suddenly, it heard a heavy foot stomp, the Dinocroc looked and saw another dinosaur!, it had a croc like snout, had huge claws, and has a round sail.

Suddenly, it heard a heavy foot stomp, the Dinocroc looked and saw another dinosaur!, it had a croc like snout, had huge claws, and has a round sail

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It was Spinosaurus

It roars at Dinocroc, getting ready to fight the crocodilian theropod.

The Dinocroc roars back and gets ready to battle.



The Spinosaurus charges at the Dinocroc, the Dinocroc dodges the Spine Lizards claw swipe and bites on the back of Spino's neck, the

Spinosaurus roars in pain and claw swipes Dinocroc's face.

The Dinocroc leapt back, shaking the pain off, it was too late to see the Spinosaurus charging at him, the Spinosaurus pushes Dinocroc down to the ground and tried to bite down on its neck until the Croc claws it's stomach and kicked the Spined lizard off of him.
The Spinosaurus roars with rage and tries to bite down on the Dinocroc but was quickly swept off its feet when the Dinocroc pushed the Spinosaurus to the ground this time.

The Spino tried to get up, but it's neck was being clamped by the jaws of Dinocroc, the Spino claws the croc 5 times and then throws the croc against a rock.

The Spino was enraged and charged at the Dinocroc but it jumps on the rock, making Spino hit its head hard,
The Dinocroc seeks its chance to finish it off. It jumps on the Spino's back and bites on the Spinosaurus' spine.


the Spino roared in pain and tries to shake it off but the Dinocroc eventually breaks the spine sail if the Spinosaurus, killing it.


The Dinocroc roars victorious and was about to feast on the fallen Spinosauridae, until a portal showed up, the Dinocroc heard a roar coming through it, it had no choice but to fight for its life in order for it to get out of this arena, so, it goes through the portal, going to a new universe, and meeting a new foe.

Dinocroc's Killcount:1

Dinocroc's Killcount:1

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