Round 13: Gammoth

311 7 2

Enemy bio: Gammoth

The Gammoth is one of the Four Flagship Monsters of Monster Hunter X, this Fanged Beast protects Popo from predators such as Tigrex and Barioth, the Popo feeds the Gammoth food for protection, the Gammoth can make armor out of ice and even spray i...

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The Gammoth is one of the Four Flagship Monsters of Monster Hunter X, this Fanged Beast protects Popo from predators such as Tigrex and Barioth, the Popo feeds the Gammoth food for protection, the Gammoth can make armor out of ice and even spray it out of its trunk, making it a formidable opponent.

Combatant Ready


The Battle

The Dinocroc was now in a snowy plain, it wandered around to look for food until it heard a stampede, the Dinocroc looked behind itself and saw that it was a herd of furry tusked-like herbivores running from a Sabertooth Wyvern

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The Dinocroc was now in a snowy plain, it wandered around to look for food until it heard a stampede, the Dinocroc looked behind itself and saw that it was a herd of furry tusked-like herbivores running from a Sabertooth Wyvern.

The Dinocroc was now in a snowy plain, it wandered around to look for food until it heard a stampede, the Dinocroc looked behind itself and saw that it was a herd of furry tusked-like herbivores running from a Sabertooth Wyvern

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The Barioth roared as it got closer to one of the Popo until-

Dinocroc rampage Where stories live. Discover now