Round 6: King Kong

360 9 2

Enemy bio: King Kong

Kong was a giant ape, the second last member (last member in the remakes) of his species (Megaprimatus kong)

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Kong was a giant ape, the second last member (last member in the remakes) of his species (Megaprimatus kong). The species is not native to Skull Island, but it is presumed that the species Gigantopithecus, a prehistoric ape that was bigger than any current modern apes (related to the orangutan), either came to the island via an ancient land bridge linked to Asia or brought into the island by the humans that lived in it. This of course happened many thousands of years ago.

Combatant ready----------------------------------------------The Battle

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Combatant ready
The Battle

The Dinocroc was now teleported in some kind of island, it was huge actually, big bugs, giant theropods, but no time for that, it needed to find its combatant, the croc hybrid was searching, until it stepped on a carcass, it looked like a T

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The Dinocroc was now teleported in some kind of island, it was huge actually, big bugs, giant theropods, but no time for that, it needed to find its combatant, the croc hybrid was searching, until it stepped on a carcass, it looked like a T.rex, except it was colossal! A V.rex to be exact. The Dinocroc looked closely at the dead V.rex, its jaws looked like they were ripped opened and was caused to break, the Dinocroc was about to eat the carcass until it heard a roar

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