Back on the Road

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Josslyn and Layra both in shock over what had happened just two days ago.All along the King's road Jaime has warned her that it as not safe and she needed to be aware of her surrounding at all times. But the whole trip nothing had happened, not until the last leg of the trip. Her whole life she had heard about her brother, Sir Jaime Lannister, Kingslayer and everything he was capable of but she has never witnessed it herself.

He saved her, if it hadn't been for Jaime she would have been killed or worse.She was grateful to her brother but there was something else she was feeling; fear. Josslyn knew that Jaime would never harm her but she still could not look at him without seeing him killing those men.

"Josslyn?" A quite voice breaking the silence. She look away from the carriage window to her friend who had never sounded so meek.

"Are you ok Joss?" How was she to answer that. She let out a huge sigh. "I can't stop thinking about what happened" eyes glued to the floor and hand fidgeting in her lap, hoping Layra does not see her eyes tearing. " every time I close my eyes I can see it, playing over again and again."

Layra reaching her hand out and grabbed Josslyn's hand. "I know what you mean,I don't think I'll ever be able to sleep again." Layra says trying to smile. "I am just grateful Jaime was there to protect us." She added. Josslyn looked up into her friends eyes. ""As am I" smiling for the first time in days. Layra returned the gesture and agreed "I'm just glad he is on our side, I would hate to be on the other end of his sword." Layra added. Both girls laughed in agreence.

A while longer they felt the carriage coming to a stop. When hearing an approaching, Josslyn look back to the window expecting to her her brother staring back. She was surprised to see Sir Krey looking at into her eyes. "Lady Lannister, Lady Crane we will be at Winterfell by sunset."

"Thank you sir Krey" Josslyn nodded. "Your brother wishes for you two to stay in the carriage while we water the horses. But if either of you need to relieve yourselves you will be accompied by guards." As mush as it bothered Josslyn the lacked of privacy she was grateful for the protection.

"Well I don't know about you Lady Lannister but I do need to, how did you put sir Krey, relieve myself?" Poor Sir Krey turned the deepest shade of red his face could turn. "Josslyn?" Layra asked. as much as Josslyn did not want to leave the safety of the carriage she did need to go. "Fine, lead the way, sir Krey?" Still blushing "Yes my Lady."

Jaime needed to get her safe and the closet place was Winterfell. He watched as his baby sister stepped out of the carriage with Lady Crane. He was nervous about them leaving the safety of the carriage but he was glad they were stretching their legs because they would not be stopping the rest of the way. They would be there by sunset if the push the horses.

The look that was in Josslyn's eyes after the attaack still haunted him. Fear. Not just fear from the attack but fear towards him.she had never seen him that way. Yes she had seen sparing matched but never a true to the death fight. He hated the way she looked at him, so he kept his distance and sent one of his most trusted Knights to check on his sister and her maid. Even though he was not right there with her she never left his sight. After a short rest for the horses Jaime called for the company to move out.

After stretching their legs and releiving themselves, both Josslyn and Layra redressed in fresh clothing. Layra dressed in a simple tan long sleeved dress, while Josslyn chose and light flowing pink dress with a white hooded coat her father had made for her. Only Tywin Lannister would have a pure white coat made, true it was the warmest thing she owned but white didn't seem very practical.

"You look beautiful Josslyn, the Stark boy won't know what hit him." All she could day was blush "thank you Layra." Whether she wanted to marry the star heir or not she di wish to impress him. After all he was her future husband.

Once the company began to move Layra looked at you friend and saw a worried looked on her face. "Are you nervous?"  "Yes" Josslyn simply answered. " there is no need, I am positive that once he lays eyes on you he will fall for you that moment."

""I'm glad you are so sure." She smiled towards Layra. "Of course I am! Everything will be fine." Layra said trying to comfort Josslyn's nerves. "No more worrying. We will soon be at Winterfell." Causing Josslyn even more nervous. 

I hope you enjoy!!!! More to come!
Let me know what you all think, Robb and Josslyn should come face to face in the next few chapters!! I can't wait for that!!
6/4/16 CJ

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