She Will Be Safe

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As Robb sat and sharpened his sword he thought about how his bride was to be in Winterfell by the end of the week. He was not ready to marry, not to a stranger, and certainly not to a Lannister. They would not be getting married right away, luckly their families agreed to give them time to get to know one another before having to marry.Robb's mother kept telling him that feeling will come, friendship, trust, respect and hopefully one day love will form they just need time.

Just thinking about it made Robb scoff, trust and respect with a Lannister? He did not believe that was possible, did his mother really believe that would happen? And love, there is no way he could give his heart to her, that will never happen.

While deep in thought his mother, Catelyn, was able to walk up to him without Robb not even noticing."Robb?" He look up towards his mother haulting his efforts of sharpening his sword. "You father wishes to see you." She states. "Yes mother" He places his sword back into its sheath and stands up. Before walking to his mother he leans in to lay a kiss upon her cheek.

Before stepping into the father's den Robb knock on the door. "Father you called for me?"

"Yes close the door and have a seat." Doing as he was asked, Robb still wasn't sure what was going on, and what his father needed to talk to him about. "Robb, just before sunrise a Lannister Squire rode in," All Robb could think was that was almost a week earlier than expected. A small feeling of hope began to build, had the Lannisters changed their minds and have long Josslyn marrying a northerner? Had she refused to come to Winterfell, demanded their betrothal was to be broken. He many possibilities running through his mind,

"He ride day and night to inform us," yes... Yes... No wedding... No Lannisters was all Robb could think. "That their party was attacked by rebels"

Hearing this caused a pit to form in his stomach

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Hearing this caused a pit to form in his stomach. Attack!? Yes it is true he did not want this marriage but he did not want harm to come to her. No matter who her family is she does not deserve to be harmed. Had he caused this with all his wishing and prayers for a way out of the marriage? This was not what he wanted, Robb dod not wish for anyone to get hurt just so he would not have to marry.

"They were attacked? Was anyone killed? Josslyn?" He asked. His voice almost sounding panicked. Did he truly care if she was ok? Shaking his head, of course he did. She may be a Lannister but she was just a girl, one who probably did not want this marriage as much as he did. He did not wish to see her hurt or anyone for that matter.

"From what I was told Josslyn was left unharmed. The kingslayer was able to protect her. However they did suffer a small lose and quite a few injuries." Ned informed his oldest son.

What is this feeling? Relief? Hearing that his betrothed was ok caused Robb to feel as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. "well that is good no great loss." Was all he said.

Ned continued to look at Robb knowing there was more in his mind then what he said, but he would not push it. "Yes, very well. The squire informed me that the party would not be to far behind him, they would be riding through and should be arriving sometime shortly after sunset tomorrow."

Tomorrow? She would be arriving, he would be meeting her tomorrow? Was he nervous... No. There was no need to be nervous. "Tomorrow, ok then." Was all he could think to say.

"Robb I know you did not wish for the marriage to take place and are unhappy with the match but I want you to be welcoming to her. All that you are feeling she is most likely feeling the same."

His father was right he did not want this marriage but most likely neither did she.

"But it is worse for her, she has been take from her whole life, family and everything familiar to her be brought here. And now after what happened on the King's road she is even more scared and vulnerable ,so I want you to be welcoming towards her, is that understood?"
"Yes father I understand" Robb agreed

"Good we all are to make her feel welcomed and let her know she will be safe in Winterfell."

"I will make sure she knows she will be safe."Robb nodded and agreed. He will do all he can to make sure his Lannister Bride felt welcomed and safe.

Thank you for reading!! I'm sorry for the delay, but now that I'm in my new home and thing are starting to settle I hope my updates become for frequent. I know people always say buying a house is one of the most stressful things to do but holy crap it's crazy!!! So I will not be doing it again any time soon!! 😋😋 thank you again and places let me know what you think, I love hearing from you all!❤️

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