Games of the mind, that's all it could probably be.
Taekhyun's world is full of pain and agony, he struggles for his own freedom. He believes saving BTS will help him gain it.
Hani always worries from afar. One moment she's here, the next she's the...
Just as soon as things started to warm up between Taehyung and Hani, for some reason, after Hani woke up from a distant dream of her past, Taehyung has somehow gotten cold towards her. Taehyung didn't know why he was acting that way either. All he knew was that he wanted to get close to her but his body is reacting differently. He wanted to know more. Why did she mention the name Taetae. Were they aquainted somehow, somewhere from a distant memory? It's all a blur to him. She seemed all too familiar but likewise, unfamiliar.
By nightfall, they have reached their destination. Everyone was tired from the long trip. Others went to their rooms to get proper sleep. Jin escorted Hani to her room and then excused himself because out of all, he was the most fatigued from driving.
Hani's POV
The view was breathtaking. Outside was like a beautiful canvas of the night sky reflected onto the sea. I couldn't hide the smile forming on my lips as I was tempted to head off and go on a walk. I couldn't resist. I hurriedly went out and almost dashed towards the sea for the sea breeze was calling out for me. This was a vacation I got dragged into so might as well enjoy it.
As I got a little tired from walking along the shoreline, I decided to sit down on the sand. Though it was kinda rough, nonetheless, the scenery was comforting.
The moon was shining brightly although it looked a little sad. Sometimes, I wish I could understand what every little thing felt. Living or nonliving, they have a story behind them. Sand is rough and we tend to get irritated on how they go inside our shoes or how they stick to our wet feet but isn't sand like people as well? They cling to others. They stay around and linger even though people get irritated but what if the sand was actually lonely? What if it was actually just trying to comfort people from their sorrow? People don't realize it but they take their true friends for granted. People tend to shove them away just because they feel annoyed.
Aigoo. I think I'm getting dramatic Namjoon virus.
But seriously, I don't want to be that kind of friend to BTS. I don't want to hurt them. I wanna cherish and share their pain and happiness. I want to stay with them forever. People say forever is nonexistent but I'd like to believe otherwise because does forever have to be measured by time? Can't it just be measured through memories that exist because I think forever is like a dimensional portal throughout memories that you replay again and again no matter what. You may get amnesia or whatever but through dreams and random premonitions, you somehow recollect those distant memories.
"What's with the serious face?"
"Woah. Don't look so serious while saying my name, it's dangerous!"
"*chuckles* Nothing. So care to fill me in with your thoughts?"
"I'm just thinking about Bangtan."
"Hm? What about us? Is there something you feel uncomfortable about?"
"Nah. It's just, I want to know all of you better. Become closer and I just want to be a friend you guys won't regret about."
"Don't worry, we chose you and we won't regret anything." He smiled but something about his smile and his eyes made me feel a little uneasy.
"I hope so Chimchim."
"Is that suppose to be a new nickname for me?" He laughed a little not removing the unusual look in his eyes.
I leaned on his shoulder since I was starting to feel the fatigue from the trip.
"Well, you said it was dangerous to say your" My eyes started to feel heavy. The last thing I knew was that Chimchim placed his jacket on top of me and I drifted off to sleep comfortably on his embrace.
end of POV
Jimin's POV
"I'm starting to regret things, Hani. I'm sorry for dragging you into our messed up world."
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Warm tears started to fall from my eyes. I didn't think that it was still possible for me to cry. I didn't think that I deserved to cry. These tears are nothing compared to all the people I've hurt through my actions. I'm a monster. And yet when I see you, I want to change but I can't turn back now. I've started this and I need to finish it. When that time comes, will you still accept me for who I am? Will you still want to stay with us or will you loathe us? Will you stop time if this moment passes? As though it didn't happen, I'm scared, scared I'll lose you. Like a butterfly effect, I fear the change of everything.
As the sun rises and the moon bends down, I let out one last tear and smiled as if I wasn't hurting. Park Jimin, you're an idiot.
end of POV
-- The early sunrise surprised Hani. She felt like it was just a few minutes ago that she was able to fall sleep. How many hours has it been? Time surely flew by so fast.
"Good morning." Jimin greeted her happily. She tried to recall the past events and then suddenly felt sorry for falling asleep in the middle of their conversation.
"Oh. I'm so sorry Chimchim, I didn't mean to fall asleep during our conversation." Hani said remorsefully.
"It's alright, really. You were tired from the trip. Actually, I was just expecting for a 'good morning too' but didn't receive one. :( " Jimin teased.
"Aigoo~ Uri Chimchim [Our Chimchim] is sulking. Good morning sunshine~" Hani spoke while stretching up her arms.
Jimin laughed and then suddenly carried Hani like a sack and then ran around.
"YAAAAAAAAAAH!" Hani screamed in a high pitch tone.
Jimin just laughed and soon after, Hani joined him in the laughter. Jimin finally placed Hani down but that didn't change her thoughts for a payback. She ran to the sea and then splashed the water to Jimin's direction. He then countered by splashing her some water too and then their little game began until...