Games of the mind, that's all it could probably be.
Taekhyun's world is full of pain and agony, he struggles for his own freedom. He believes saving BTS will help him gain it.
Hani always worries from afar. One moment she's here, the next she's the...
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I looked at the far away memories I've spilled out to the sea.
I miss you. I hate you. I can't let you go.Taehyung whispered amidst the silent night. He was out again, this time alone. A stray drop of blood on his left shoe glistened against the moonlight. Crimson red and vicious. He tried to make it clean this time, but his efforts were futile.
An arm grabbed him from behind and he swiftly turned around and headlocked the intruder of his thoughts.
"Relax, it's just me." Taekhyun said as he struggled from Taehyung's grasp.
"Oh." Taehyung let him go and time went on a standstill. His other half, who was infront of him, made him realize how weak he was.
"At it again?" Taekhyun asked, trying to cover the pain he felt for his brother. Taehyung just smiled and avoided the question.
"Can't you stop it?"
"I'd rather take all the suffering than let you taste hell." Taehyung put on his hood and started moving.
"If you're talking about hell, then isn't that what I see and feel right now?" Taehyung paused.
"Trust me, hell is something of a greater abyss than what you can imagine." With that, Taehyung disappeared leaving Taekhyun under the deepset moonlight.
Taekhyun's POV
F*ck with your definition of hell.I'm tired of staying in the shadows. This time, it's my turn. I'm heading over, wait for me you psychotic scientist.
end of POV
Jimin stared off at the distance, he was cold and unsure.
"Kill him when he starts acting up."
"How am I supposed to do that when he's my bestfriend?" He said as he closed his eyes, listening to the sound of the waves.
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Hani opened the message that she received from an unknown stranger and she felt her gut turning. She saw an image of a mutilated body, she couldn't even make out the face but she noticed the bracelet on its wrist. It belonged to the girl who warned her about Bangtan.She scrolled down and the words "Your peaceful days are over, you enterd their world and there's no escape." were encoded. She muffled a cry and with shaking hands turned off her phone. Just who are you, Bangtan?