Games of the mind, that's all it could probably be.
Taekhyun's world is full of pain and agony, he struggles for his own freedom. He believes saving BTS will help him gain it.
Hani always worries from afar. One moment she's here, the next she's the...
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"Open your eyes, for what you see might not be what you truly perceive it to be."
Hey, are you okay? Have you gone for treatment?
We haven't seen you in a while.
We're worried.
Taekhyun opened the texts his friends sent him. He ignored them for about a week. He hung his head low and sighed. His head was throbbing and the pain killers he took didn't help him at all. He heard the voices again.
He heard the door open and saw his mom come in with a worried expression on her face. "Hyun-ah, have you taken the medicine I gave you earlier?" She inquired, just to make sure her son was getting proper treatment.
"Yes, mom." He replied meekly.
"I just want you to get better, you know that right? Soon, you're going to succeed the company and I don't want your father to keep ignoring you like this."
Taekhyun hated his father, just hearing his name is enough to make his blood boil. "Mom, what about Taehyung?" Hearing that name, his mother's lips formed into a straight line "Son, we talked about this. Stop mentioning someone who doesn't exist." She heaved a sigh and without hearing a reply from her son, his mother went out after giving him a pat on the shoulder.
"Hani-yah! Are we done for today?" Jungkook asked Hani who was arranging the files that they were asked to fix. "Yeah. I think that's enough for today." She answered without looking at him. "Being locked up in here sure is draining ugh I hate being an intern." Hani just shrugged at Jungkook's complaining.
"I wonder how is Taekhyun doing."
"Yah! You seriously talk about another guy when I'm here with you?"
A knock suddenly came and the door opened and brought in an uninterested Jun. "Sorry for disturbing your lovers quarrel but both of you are being called to the office."
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Jimin was taking down notes as he listened intently to his professor. Today was one of those days that he went to school in order to fill in with attendance. Nevertheless, he was a hardworking and smart student. As the time flew by so fast, the bell rang signaling the end of third period and finally lunch time. Jimin hurriedly packed his belongings and headed to the rooftop to meet the rest.
Upon his arrival, he spotted Jin setting out their meal and Yoongi was napping on the bench near Jin. "Where're the others?" He asked Jin who was obviously the only possible person to ask. "Namjoon didn't come in today and Hoseok had something else to do, I think it was about running late to finish his project or something." He shrugged. Jimin nodded and sat across Jin as the food was just about prepared. "I wish Tae could have joined us. He hasn't been replying to my texts lately." "Stop sulking and eat." Yoongi commented suddenly and stretched before joining the two of them to eat. He couldn't help but snigger at Jimin's surprised expression as the younger one thought he was fast asleep.
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"Ahhhhh!" Hoseok let out a shriek as he saw a cat suddenly pass by the window. He was at the library to finish his project since his professor threatened to fail him if he doesn't pass on time. The librarian gave him a warning look and the girls around him were giggling.
"Hoseok oppa~ I'll protect you so it's okay~" One girl said in a cutesy voice.
"Neh oppa~ We're here for you so you should relax and focus on your project." Another girl chimed in.
"Ah ha ha. Thank you, girls." Hoseok awkwardly replied and continued writing on his paper while glancing on the book beside it from time to time. After a while, his stomach started grumbling, skipping lunch was a bad idea afterall. Once again, the girls giggled amongst each other, finding Hoseok really cute and adorable.
"Oppa~ I have cookies, would you like some?" A girl offered and was about to feed it to him when suddenly a hand grabbed the cookies away from her.
"Yah!" She protested but immediately fell silent once her eyes landed on the librarian.
"Who told you to bring food inside the library, young lady?!" She questioned with an authoritative tone.
"I-I'm sorry, ma'am. I-I was just uhm I-I brought it in case I get h-hungry hehe." She lamely said as an excuse.
The librarian was obviously unconvinced and looked at the three girls hovering around Hoseok. "The three of you, get out of this library and stop bothering Mr. Jung!" She commanded and without any further protests, the girls hurried out feeling embarrassed as the other students were looking at them with judging stares.
"Thank you, Ms. Kim." Hoseok quietly thanked the librarian to which she replied with a stern nod and went back to her desk. His stomach was still grumbling, so he decided to do one last page before taking a break to eat.
Namjoon grabbed his phone to answer who was calling. He was still half-asleep and tried to tap the correct button to accept the call. "Hello?" He said in a scratchy voice.
"Namjoon-ah, wher are you?" Hoseok beamed from the other line.
"Home." He replied, still feeling drowsy.
"Wanna go grab something to eat? I'm at xxx Mall~"
"Mm. Okay, be there in a bit." He hung up and headed to the bathroom to wash his face.
He hadn't realize that it was already late until his stomach informed him so. He glanced at the wall clock and was surprised that it was already past 1 o'clock. He took out a black shirt and some jeans from his closet and hurriedly got changed. In his rush, he accidentally knocked over the cup of coffeee on his desk.
He cussed under his breath and threw the now empty cup to his trash bin and grabbed some tissues and gently tapped it on his notebook in hopes to not completely smudge out his writings more than it already was. He then proceeded to wipe his table and immediately headed out to meet Hoseok, whom he had kept waiting long enough.