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            The shrill piercing scream echoed throughout the castle until finishing with the slamming of castle door. The queen sighed gently as she raised her self from the golden chair. This princess had seemed so promising, but she too was scared off like the others. Gruff sounds echoed from the prince’s frame. His back was to her, and slightly hunched in a feral manner. Gently she stoked her hand back along his head. The black fur was silky soft beneath her palm.

            “Christopher, dear.”

            As he turned, a wolfish grin spread along his pointed teeth. “Did you see how she ran?” he exclaimed between gruff, chortling laughter.

            “What did you do,” she stated firmly.

            “Simply bared my teeth, that is all. I cannot fathom why the girl thought I would eat her. It’s not like I am a monster.” His jest ended as he roared viciously. “I shall see no more. There is not a woman alive who could break the witch’s curse.”

            The queen’s mind raced at her son’s words. Perhaps he was right, that finding a woman to see past his appearance might be challenging and particularly so when he refused to behave civilized. To the rest of the world, he seemed and acted as a monster, but there was goodness deep within him. Rather than a woman to fall in love, maybe a witch could remove the curse placed upon him. A witch’s magic was dangerous indeed and very dark magic.

            “Henry, issue a proclamation declaring the safety of any witch who may remove the curse placed upon our son.” A bit of fire returned to the dull gray eyes of her husband, who had deteriorated over the past twenty years.

            “A witch! Witches are vile creatures that invoke dark magic, and thus must be destroyed. All of them, removed from the earth.”

            “This is our son…”

            “Our son. This is a monster,” he exclaimed viciously as Christopher sat stoically, unaffected by his father’s harsh words as they were true.

            “How dare you,” she snapped. “It was your actions that cast this curse upon him and you shall not turn from him now or from what you have done.”

            With a simple nod of the king’s head, she knew her sharp words struck true. Her slender hand prepared the scrawling letters upon the fine parchment. With the wax seal, she sealed her last hope and a promise.  

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for all of the positive feedback! I was so excited as I read all your comments. So, I decided to post a bit more for you. It's short but I hope that you enjoy it for now. I'm not so sure about this bit so I might go back and change it. I feel like there is way too much dialog and its kind of bland. But anyway, can't wait to hear what your think! Thanks

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