Little Witch

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The creature, part wolf and part man, was in an utter state of disbelief, and for once in his life, entirely speechless. She didn’t scream, run, or even flinch for that matter. No one had ever confronted the young prince before, and the fact that she did infuriated him, and shockingly also proved to be a pleasant change.

“So you must be the charming prince. I see it’s more than sickness that afflicts you,” she said with a smug grin. Perhaps under other circumstances her words would offend me as they were so blatantly laced with sarcasm.

Yet, his own reaction surprised not only himself but all present. He could feel his mother's gaze upon him, watching the almost cordial interaction with hopeful eyes. Flickers of inexplicable anger raced through his veins, ignited by her hope- for her unquenchable hope was a constant reminder of his revolting state, a reminder of what he was, am, and shall be for all eternity.

Glancing down, the prince's eyes narrowed to dark slints as he saw the physical reminder, the fur encompassing my arms and the sharp talons extending from what would be hi fingers. The grotesque animalistic nature was no shock as it had been that way for as long as he could remember. His vision shifted from wolf to witch, both magical, yet she appeared no more than just a girl. She seemed so small and inconsequential, in stark contrast to his towering form. More so, she seemed weak despite the fire beneath her eyes. Perhaps the prince had nourished some hope of his own. Despair filled his heart as he realized that the likes of her could never reverse the curse that plagued him.

“I would watch your tongue, little witch. I’ve seen many of your kind burned at the stake. It would be a shame for a pretty thing such as yourself to join them.”

Her emerald eyes filled with burning hatred. They seemed to even glint with anger, sparkling until the golden flecks became almost unbearably brilliant, and yet almost hollow of emotion. Her skin became paler and almost seemed to glow as her eyes did, with burning intensity. Her hair floated, as if carried by nonexistent gusts of wind. It felt felt unnatural to view her in such a state- for he knew that her true nature was beign revealed. She might resemble a normal girl, but he must remember that she is not.

And suddenly, everything stopped, and she returned to the appearance of a small girl, but no longer did the creature view her as such; she was something more- more beautiful, more powerful, and more dangerous. She no longer glowed of power, and her eyes returned to glistening emerald with the peculiar golden glint within her cold, furious glare.

It was then that he realized how wrong I was. Oddly the creature felt a shadow of remorse, the slightest regret for my harsh words, but being that I was a prince, his arrogance prevailed, and no apology dared escape his lips. But, it was not for his words but rather his misjudgement. She seemed so normal, but never had I seen a physical change in a witch before. Her magic was strange and this witch was certainly powerful. 

He swallowed uneasily upon the realization that perhaps her threat should be taken to heart. I certainly no longer doubted the extent of her magic, and this filled me with an emotion that seemed exceptionally foreign- hope.  

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