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A soft sigh fell easily from her lips. Her head rested lazily against soft plush pillows and the silky fabric that tickled her bare arms and legs. For a brief second, she enjoyed the relaxation until her mind came to its senses. This was certainly far from normal.

Eyes instantly jolted open and a suspicious gaze scoured her surroundings, taking in the luxurious room of ivory walls and extravagant emerald décor. Everything was foreign and she hadn't the faintest clue as to where she was though I knew very well the reasoning for my memory loss. It would shortly return though, that much she knew. Desperately she urged myself to remember, as he hands clenched into tight fists.

Her gaze suddenly stopped in its track. Before her lay my emerald green cloak folded neatly at the foot of the bed. What was it doing there and where had the silky white dress come from. It brought forth a sense of familiarity that was followed by the memories of the prior day. Glancing back to the white dress that gently clung to soft curves, rage errupted. That wolf had better have kept his paws off her.

In an attempt to calm her thoughts, she returned her thoughts to the memory of the prior evening. She remembered the failed attempt to steal the flower for her brother. But, oddly enough, she found herself grateful for the turn of events. Thievery was not in her nature and so long as he was cured, I would gladly pay any price. Curing the prince would not be easily done for a spell is far easier cast than broken.

A smug smile broke surface; she need not doubt her abilities. Soon the prince would be returned to a form less suitabe though preferable and her brother cured. She knew what this meant for her future but refused to dwel upon it. For the meantime, she welcomed the doubts that plagued my mind.

She could remember everything up to casting the spells, but then nothing else. She had collapsed into darkness. The prince could never learn of what had happened. No one could. No one should ever know of her burden or dealings, and she chided myself for her carelessness. The consequences of discovery would be fatal.

She really would need to be more careful about performing that spell in company. She knew that the effects would continue to progress and worsen, but it was her responsibility to deal with all matters at hand and hide the rest.

But, how was she to know he would glance behind or that the reaction would be so much more severe than usual? How suddenly the effects had worsened. She knew what that meant. The clock was racing and even she had not the power to stop it. Time was running out.

Her breath whistled coldly from my mouth, forming a soundless sigh. The price was heavy, but one she had already accepted. For my brother, she always would.

Author's note: Hi awesome readers! Hope you enoy this very brief but quick update. I also hope this provides a bit more insight into Adriana and creates a lot more questions. Please feel free to share your thoughts. I have not figured out this entire story but rather am just writing as it comes to me. So your comments really would help inspire me and might even help create some ideas and twists!


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