Monstrous Humanity

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“You look better,” the prince responded simply as he watched her exit her room. The simple comment was certainly no lie though, he thought with a smug wolfish grin. Perhaps there was still a man beneath the monster after all. Her black hair was loose, curling wildly and messily, in a manner only she could pull off. Everything about her seemed magical and free spirited unlike the royals he was accustomed to.

His eyes jolted from her as the pain registered. She slapped him.

"What was that for?" he inquired earnestly. Her answer resulted in a chortle of laughter escaped as she frowned softly at the remark, her eyes alit with fire. She feared he had changed her the night before. Perhaps the desire might have been present but it was never one he would relinquish himself to. Beast or not, there were boundaries he would not cross. 

"Of course not. That's what maids are for. Would you have liked me to?" the prince asked suggestively, momentarily forgetting he was not quite human.

Before having a chance to respond or even register the action, her hand again flew out briskly. I felt the stinging sensation before even realizing the witch had slapped me.

“What was that for?” I repeated though this time I deserved it.

“Your sarcasm,” she responded simply with the cross of her arms.

Sarcasm, I thought. Instant shame errupted for having treated a lady, even if she was a witch, in such a manner. I particularly was unwilling to acknowledge how innocent and almost beautiful she had looked before. Immediately I chastised myself for such thoughts of her long pale limbs, ebony hair, and scarlet lips. Man or beast, I was not oblvious to her her beauty. Such thoughts of lust nearly evoked my anger. How dare I begin to act human when time was nearing a close, the prince thought with vehemence.

Her eyes remained guarded and her lips pursed in a firm line. He contemplated apologizing but opted for anoher method to break the silence.

 “Where to begin?” I asked in reference to her attempts to break the spell. I did not doubt her power but rather the ability of the spell to be broken. There was one way I knew of surely, but that could never be.

“The library,” she responded simply. 

The pair walked soundlessly down the corridors of the castle. The claws of the prince's paws echoed softly against the tile floor. He cringed at the dull scuffing and scratching sound. Never had he been bothered by the fact. Yet, her footsteps followed softly, two to every one of my lengthy strides.

What was she thinking? he wondered, glancing quickly past his shoulder. Her expression was contorted in a contemplative manner but not disgust. It was apparent that her thoughts drifted elsewhere.

Coming to a pause, his hand reached out to grasp the small golden knob within my grasp. It disappeared within his grasp. Claws scratched at the metal as he attempted to twist and tug. Aggravation filled the prince as the metal fell free in my hand and dropped to the floor with a clatter. He  could break down the insufferable wooden door yet he failed to simply open it. 

The girl leaned forward, her hair falling forward like a protective cloak. With two hands, she scooped the shattered metal fragments and held them to the door. With a glow, the knob was whole again, and a twist, the door opened with ease.

Author's Note: I'm really sorry this is such a short update and that it's been so long. I wish I had something really exciting and great to upload but I'm having a hard time with this story. Writer's block...urgg! Anyways, I will try to figure out where I want to go with this story and make it more interesting. Thanks for sticking with me here!

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