Royal Decree

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The king and queen sat upon our thrones. The frail king was well aware of how his wife's eyes glanced towards him, filled with worry, concern, but mostly devotion. Attempting to muster the prideful energy that once filled his very step, he pressed firmly against the swirling gold armrests of the golden thrown. Meeting her glance, a small loving smile crossed his lips, attempting to ease the worry within her eyes. He knew she worried for his heath and for the life of our son. Despite her attempts to placate his guilt, the king held himself responsible for his son's condition.  

“Your highness, we’ve caught a witch. We found her sneaking into the garden. Shall we prepare her execution?”  

The king's eyes darted towards the approaching guards and widened with horror as he took in the presence of the beautiful intruder. An emerald cloak hung round her shoulders and bare pale arms extended from beneath. The guards hands clasped firmly around her slender wrists like manacles. Her hair was black as ebony and seemed to float gently around her as if vibrant with the very power held within her. Her emerald eyes narrowed subtly, glinting, dangerous, and enchanting. He could feel himself falling into those eyes as his mind drifted into the memory that began their troubles and despair for he recognized those very eyes from so many years before.

“It’s her. Kill her at once!” he exclaimed frightfully. The gentle hand of his wife flutter over him soothingly. As he stared at the girl, her pride seeped through her and she hardly seemed fazed at my declaration for her execution. She must die for the darkness she has inflicted upon his family.

“No, release her,” said the gentle voice beside the king. “The declaration has not publically been announced but witches are to not be persecuted. They are people are too. And it is time we accept them within our kingdom. It is also our hope that they will return the favor. We have offered a reward to whoever can cure our son.”

The king had not the strength nor desire to argue with his wife, and rather sat silently by her side though his eyes were shadowed with hatred towards the girl.

HHi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Anyway, here is a bit more. Hope you like it! Sorry it's short. Please let me know what you think=)

Your COMMENTS and VOTES definitely inspire me to continue!


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