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The day you died you took me with you.
The way you lied shook me black and blue.

The sorrow you felt, I felt it too.
The tomorrow dreams won't come true.

All the good hellos turned into dying goodbyes,
All the to's and fro's burned holes in my eyes.

You thought you were so sly, but I always knew.
You fought so hard to die and knew I needed you.

Depressing mornings and nights of pure hell.
Lessening of warnings and sights when you fell.

Deprivation of your soul saving wonder.
Trepidation of your whole wavering thunder.

Heavy-hearted moments with stitches on your wrists.
Broken-hearted atonement with twitches on your fists.

Unheard thoughts engraved in your soul.
The third day I tried to save you...you lost control.

Bleeding and burning and living and dying.
Needing and turning and giving and crying.

It's been five long years since I've rested and slept.
I try to smile but in my dreams even the angels wept.

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