7 Lark

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june 8th 2016

I'm being sent away.
Not to a mental hospital. But to my aunts in New York. My parents think it will be good for me. To get away for a while. It's june 15th right now. I'll be staying until October. And I'll be doing online schooling. My parents don't think I'm ready for that yet. I'm not ready for that.

I start packing. I have a flight from Maine to New York in four hours. I pack all of my clothes. My camera and film. My laptop and charger. All my toiletries and makeup and things. I pack shoes and a jacket and I'm done. I shower and change into shorts and a breathy cotton shirt and put my hair into a bun and walk down the stairs.

Me and my dad load all of my luggage into the car and my mom accompanies us to the airport.

We all go through security and things together and make it to the gate with five minutes to spare.

My mom gives a teary goodbye and makes me promise to take my medicine and call every day.

My dad just hugs me. Tells me he loves me. Then my flight is called. And I have to leave my parents.

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