3- Lover's Lament

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Arthur heard Gwen's scream from the town square and came running into the throne room, drawn sword in hand. When he burst into the throne room, he saw Gwen on her knees before her throne, sobbing. He ran over to her, putting his sword away in the process, and embraced her.

"Gwen, what happened?"

"I...I hardly know, it all happened so fast," she sniffled. "This-this person came into the room and attacked Sir Leon. They were wrestling, and then they just disappeared!" She wiped her eyes with her sleeve.

Arthur smoothed his wife's long hair and drew it away from her face. "Did you see who this...person was?"

Gwen shook her head. "They were wearing a cape with a large hood. I couldn't see their face."

Arthur helped Gwen to her feet and walked her out of the throne room. As they went down the long hallway that led to their chambers, Gwen asked, "What are we going to do about Sir Leon?"

Arthur pursed his lips. "I'm not sure. We were supposed to go searching for Merlin tomorrow."

As much as it hurt to say it, Gwen replied softly, "I think Merlin will have to wait. We need to make sure Sir Leon is alright."

Arthur sighed, feeling emotionally at war. He was concerned for Leon, but couldn't stand not knowing what had become of Merlin. "I'll send Gwaine, Percival and Elyan after him. I'm going to find Merlin by myself."

"Arthur you can't!" Gwen pleaded. "You're already in enough danger as it is!"

Arthur and Gwen reached their chambers and Arthur sprawled out on the bed. "I can't bear not knowing where he is, Guinevere," he admitted.

Gwen sighed and sat beside her husband. "I know how much Merlin means to you, but you have to trust that he's fine. Our biggest concern right now is finding out who that person I saw is and what they've done with Sir Leon." She stroked his face with her finger.

Arthur sat up so he could better look Gwen in the eye. "You're a very brave and just queen, Guinevere," he said softly. "I trust that you will be able to solve the mystery of the hooded figure." He kissed her and rose, walking over to his wardrobe.

When Gwen saw him pulling out his armor, she walked over to him and helped him put it on. "I see there's no stopping you Arthur," she said as she strapped his armor in place, "but I want you to know I don't agree with your decision."

Arthur gazed at Gwen and smiled sadly. "I know. But thank you for understanding. I couldn't ask for a better wife." He kissed her again, and this time Gwen kissed back.

"I love you, Arthur," she whispered. "And I want to see you return home in one piece."

Arthur smiled. "When I come back, I won't be alone. I promise."


Merlin searched the entire castle, but there was no sign of Arthur. He was beginning to lose hope. The sorcerer worried he would never see his beloved King again. Merlin heard a gasp behind him.

"No, it can't be," Morgana breathed.

Merlin slowly turned to face her. He wondered why she looked so horrified, then remembered he was still using the aging spell. He smiled.

"So we meet again, Morgana," Merlin said, bowing.

"What do you want, Emrys?" Morgana asked menacingly.

"The King," he replied simply.

Morgana appeared confused. "What?"

"Where's King Arthur?" Merlin asked in a more demanding tone.

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