7- Uncovering the Dead

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The following morning Arthur was outside training with his knights, when he spotted a horse on the surrounding hills. He squinted so he could see it better, and recognized it as the one he and Merlin had seen last night. He was so distracted by it that he didn't hear Merlin calling his name.

"Arthur look out!" Merlin shouted.

Arthur looked just in time to dodge an attack from Gwaine.

"Sorry, Sire," the knight apologized.

"It's alright. I think we've done enough training today." Arthur handed his sword and shield to Merlin and went back into the palace.

Merlin had seen the horse as well and put Arthur's weapons away, then went in search of the King. He found him in the throne room, staring out one of the windows.

Arthur looked over at Merlin when he saw the servant standing beside him. "That horse, Merlin. It's Morgana, I'm sure of it."

Merlin sighed. "I know."

"You do?"

Merlin nodded. "What made you kill her, Arthur?"

Arthur took a deep breath, not wanting to remember that day. He turned away from the window and sat down on his throne. "I was so angry that I just...rammed her through." Arthur felt tears come to his eyes.

Merlin drew near his King and said, "But her spirit didn't leave the world..."

"That's what I'm afraid of," Arthur replied. He rose from his throne and left, dragging Merlin along with him. "I need to talk to Gaius."


"There's only one way her spirit will go to its rightful place. You must face her once again and set things right between you," the court physician said.

Arthur sighed and shifted in the wooden chair. Merlin, who was sitting across from him, reached out and put his hand on Arthur's arm. "We can do this Arthur. It's no different from anything else we've faced."

"No different!?" Arthur burst. He felt himself coming apart at the seams. "Of course, because it's exactly the same as the time we journeyed to find the Cup of Life! The exact same as battling the Dorocha! And there's no telling the difference between Morgause trying to usurp the throne and me bringing a curse over Camelot!"

Merlin and Gaius tried to interrupt, but Arthur ignored them and continued raving, though softening his tone. "No, Merlin, this is nothing like the things we've faced. We've battled Morgana, yes, but never have we faced her wrath like this. I have a feeling this will be the ultimate battle between the two of us." Arthur got up and left. Immediately Merlin chased after him.

"You're not alone, Arthur!" Merlin called out as he caught up to his King. "I'll be with you every step of the way."

Arthur turned around to face him, and Merlin nearly collided with him. He was taken aback by the tears in Arthur's eyes. "No, Merlin," Arthur whispered. "This is something I have to do alone." He resumed walking and went into the town square.

Merlin didn't bother to pursue. Instead he went back his and Gaius' chambers.

"He won't listen to me, Gaius," Merlin complained.

Gaius set down a potion he was making. "His mind is set, Merlin. Just make sure he does nothing rash."

Merlin could tell Gaius was done with the conversation, and he went outside to find Arthur once again.


Arthur had just finished saddling his horse when he saw Merlin enter the stables. He rolled his eyes and said firmly, "You're not coming, Merlin."

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